

Can small dog have chocolate

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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No for dogs chocolate is like poison. With big ones the just barf, but a small dog may not survive.

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Q: Can small dog have chocolate
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Could your dog have a chance of dying if it had 2 rows of chocolate?

Small chance. If your dog has a chocolate allergy it may get very ill but most dogs are not allergic to chocolate. Symptoms do not show up for hours, even days. If the chocolate was Milk chocolate then it should be fine, there really is not much chocolate in candy bars. If it was bakers chocolate and your dog is small it may have a problem. If you have a large dog (over 40lbs) two rows of chocolate will probably not harm it.

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I don't think a dog should really be eating Chocolate Pretzels...

Will chocolate cereal kill a dog?

No. There is not enough chocolate in cereal to harm your dog unless it is known to have a severe allergy. Some dogs are allergic to chocolate but most are not. The amount of chocolate in any cereal is very small.

Why do some dogs tolerate chocolate?

Chocolate is NEVER good for dogs, but sometimes it's not bad enough to be noticed. It's all about the size of the dog, the type and the amount of chocolate it has eaten. Dark chocolate, small dog - doesn't take much to be dangerous. Big dog, milk chocolate - not that dangerous.

What do you feed a dog to prevent sickness due to small chocolate dosage?

kill it

What kind of chocolate make dogs sick?

Chocolate contains two substances: theobromine and cafeine.They are toxic to dogs as they cannot digest them . A small amount of chocolate can kill a small dog . Darker and the more sweeter the chocolate is the more dangerous it is . The lighter and more tasteless it is the more safer.

Will one chocolate cookie hurt a dog?

No it should not hurt your dog. Like any other mammal dogs can be allergic to things and chocolate is one of the things known to make a canine react. The amount of actual chocolate in a cookie in small and your dog will be fine. But don't give your dog any more chocolate. You don't know how much it will take to cause your dog serious harm.

What happens if a dog eats 3 pieces of chocolate?

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, so this could be dangerous for the dog. It would depend on what type of chocolate the dog ate. Dark chocolate or chocolate with lots of cocoa in it is the most dangerous, with milk chocolate being less dangerous and white chocolate being the least dangerous. The size of the dog would also affect how dangerous it is, so if a big dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate it might be ok, while it could be very dangerous if a small dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your dog for 24 hours after he/she ate chocolate and if the dog shows signs of nausea, being wobbly or drinking a lot of water then the dog should be taken to the vet immediately.

Will one Hershey Kiss make a dog sick?

Any kind of chocolate even a small bit would make your dog sick.

Is a little bit of chocolate deadly for a dog?

It depends on the type of chocolate and the weight of the dog. The smaller the dog, the worse the reaction. The higher amount of cocoa, the worse the reaction. So, a 5 pound dog getting into a small amount of baking chocolate could be deadly and a 50 pound dog getting into some hershey kisses could produce nothing more than diarrhea. If your animal gets into chocolate, contact a local vet or the ASPCA. only a small bite of chocolate will not kill a dog but large sums of choclate can hurt your dog so watch out

Your small dog ate a Hershey kiss what do I do?

If it's only one, and low-cocoa chocolate - don't worry about it.