

Can smoking hurt your puppy

Updated: 4/27/2022
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16y ago

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Yes! There is no scientific evidence that smoking around pets causes harm. However, if you must smoke it's wise to keep windows open (where the puppy can't get out) or open doors, lock your screen door if possible to keep the air fresh. My husband and I both smoked as did many of our friends, but my house has windows and doors were open every single day; fans in ceilings, etc. It was mere consideration long before the smoking bans started to take effect. We didn't enjoy sitting in a haze of a smoked filled room or bar either. All our dogs we've had in our lifetime have lived to be over 17 years old and one dog and one of our cats lived to 20 years old. While smoking a great deal throughout one's life is not good it certainly isn't the cause of all diseases either. First smokers were attacked for simply smoking so they could jack the prices up on cigarettes (the governments in the U.S. and Canada) were part and parcel to allowing tobacco companies to add more chemicals into the tobacco products and also enjoyed the high revenue it brought in. First it was fighting against smokers, then when professionals announced on a radio program that many people with lung cancer or other health issues never smoked, but still had different forms of cancer (especially lung cancer) so the next thing down the pike was 'secondhand smoke.' Now, just recently on the news it stated it can affect your pets. Smokers should be careful smoking around babies or puppies as well as people with bad Allergies or asthma. It's the proper thing to do and a concerned gesture regarding family and friends. If non smokers spent even 20% of their time getting off the backs of smokers and fighting that hard for the entire environment issues out there instead of 'talking the talk, but not walking the walk' things would be much better as a whole. The air we breath in many large cities is far greater a risk than cigarette smoke. Some outdoor cafes are right near traffic and guess what those people are ingesting? Many of the same chemicals in cigarettes, but in far worse quantities. If you don't believe me go out one morning and clean the windshield of your car and see the muck that comes off it (that's what YOU are breathing.) Factories pour out smoke; too much traffic (cars, trucks, buses, etc.) How often have you yourself, or people you know go around spraying with hair sprays, room deodorizers, etc. Think about it! There are chemicals in many of these products and do more harm than good. While they are starting to instill fear into pet owners re smoking, they forget about the melamine and bad gluten in dog foods and please don't forget the lead paint on children's toys!!! Now the point is, what else is out there that is harmful for humans and animals! Don't blame the smokers for it all. Toys for your puppy should be scanned over by you. No squeakers in the toy (only air passing through the toy to make the sound) and nothing too small the pup can chew on and perhaps choke to death on. Remember the pup needs to be fed small amounts throughout the day, needs water and puppies will play hard and sleep for a bit (naps.) They need exercise and lots of love and you'll end up with a great dog that is loyal to you. We've become a paranoid society thanks to companies that want to sell their product. Example: antibacterial soaps (or anything!) These products actually take the good bacteria off the skin causing cracks in the hands and a person is more likely to get germs and be sick just from that alone. They frighten people and especially parents into believing they should constantly go around with a brand name product spraying for germs. It's time people investigated into other dangers in their homes. The skin of every living thing is a major breathing organ and has good bacteria on it that FIGHTS GERMS! When we strip germs off children (of course teach them to wash their hands at appropriate times, but not introducing paranoia) the bacteria on the skin will fight germs. If we don't allow ourselves to use common sense then we are much more capable of getting ill. Let mother nature take care of your body and if you have to smoke, open windows or go outside while you have the puppy. This also includes keeping their bedding clean, feeding them good food (not cheap) and reading labels. Playing with your pet and training them well even if you have to go to group training classes. Enjoy your puppy!

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