

Can someone's blood type change

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes but it is rare.

The only way I can think of that would cause it to change is a complete bone marrow transplant.

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Why is it important for doctors to know your blood type?

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Can a pregnant woman's blood type change?

No, your blood type can not change.

Can chicken liver really change blood type A to type O?

Yes chicken liver can change type A blood into type O blood.

Can lupus medication change blood type?

No, but a bone marrow transplant would change your blood type.

Does blood type change due to diet?

It is not possible for your blood type to change. This has only been observed with rare forms of cancer. If a blood type change has occurred it is usually due to a lab error. So a change in diet will not result in a change in blood type.

How does someones blood pressure stay the same with out eating?

Eating does not typically have any effect on blood pressure. So there shouldn't be any change.

Can changing food change blood types?

No, changing your blood type is impossible. Just eating whatever you want won't change your blood type. You con't change your blood type even if you would like too.

If someones blood cells have type A antigens what type of blood do they have?

People with type A blood can give blood to people with type A or type AB, but you do need to take the Rh factor into consideration. The Rh factor is what makes a person have type A+ or type A-, etc. There are also other types of very rare antigen in the blood that make up the other blood type which is beyong the scoop of discussion here.

Can stopping lupus medication change your blood type?

No, but a bone marrow transplant would change your blood type.

Does blood type affect someones personality?

Blood types does affect personality's, If you are an O blood type your personality is you want to be a leader, if you see something you want you keep trying until you get what you want and get very jealous at times.

Is someones blood different then a another person?

A person can have A, B, AB, or O blood types. This is why when they transfuse blood to another person they have to make sure it is the same blood type or their body rejects it.