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There is no such crime as "malicious Intent" so no one can "charge" you with it. However - they CAN take you to civil court in a suit for defamation, libel or slander, if they can prove that you intentionally and knowingly are spreading false information about them.

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Q: Can someone charge you with malicious intent if you post a bad review of their company on Google?
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Interpret malicious intent?

In law an act is malicious if done intentionally withoust just cause and excuse so long as you believe the truth of what you say and not reckless so malicious intent is a more serious charge as malicious already contains intent so malicious intent is the act of being malicious with the intent to kill as it is worded here as malice needs intent to be deemed as malicious

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Fine, jail, prison, or all of the above

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A valet company will charge around 25 to 35 dollars an hour per valet. Most companies require you to hire someone for 3 to 4 hours minimum.

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No. Only the State can bring a criminal charge against someone. It is doubtful that the Insurance Company would even have standing to file a complaint in such a matter.

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Yes, it is possible to sue for malicious prosecution after a forgery charge is dismissed by the District Attorney or if someone is found not guilty by a jury. To succeed in a malicious prosecution lawsuit, you would generally need to prove that the prosecution was brought without probable cause, initiated for malicious motives, and resulted in damage to your reputation, liberty, or finances. It is advisable to consult with a qualified attorney to understand the specific laws and requirements in your jurisdiction.

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no of course they dont

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Can you assure me that there is no charge for Google Chrome?

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