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Maybe, but I seriously doubt that it is an actual sign. The person would probably have to do more than that to have a chance at being diagnosed for a Bipolar disorder. By the way, diseases are medical problems that are highly unlikely to be cured, and mental disorders should NEVER be designeated or excused as diseases. Maybe, but I seriously doubt that it is an actual sign. The person would probably have to do more than that to have a chance at being diagnosed for a bipolar disorder. By the way, diseases are medical problems that are highly unlikely to be cured, and mental disorders should NEVER be designated or excused as diseases.

ANSWER one symptom of bipolar DISORDER (not disease) is compulsive and risky behavior, so yes it can be a POSSIBLE sign.

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Q: Can stealing be a sign of possible bipolar disorder?
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No ignoring people is probably not one of the signs of Bipolar. It could me a sign of attention deficit disorder, or it can simply be a matter of insecurity or distrust.

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Constant reading alone is not a specific sign of bipolar disorder. However, in some cases, individuals experiencing a manic episode in bipolar disorder may engage in excessive and focused reading as a result of increased energy and impulsivity. It is important to consider other symptoms and consult with a healthcare professional for a proper assessment.

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They act bipolar...hello its the same disease no matter what sign you are

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In psychiatry, this is known as cycling. Rapid cycling can be a sign of psychological problems (such as Bipolar Disorder or Depression) and should be reviewed with a psychological/psychiatric professional.

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1st off are u sure he needs it if he is over 18 you cant force him keep trying to convince him if he is exhibiting symptoms of bipolar and try to get him to see he is if he is bipolar and doesn't get one he is likely to have a breakdown and be hospitalized or worse if there is no sign that he has a mental disorder there is no reason for him to get one

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One of the most noticeable symptom of bipolar depression disorder is the switching from extreme hyperactivity to a severely manic depressed state. This can include suicidal thoughts and tendencies during this phase. Another sign or symptom is that there is a pattern many times or a regulated switching between the ups and the downs.

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No, stealing would be considered a behavioural sign of addiction. A physical sign of addiction would be, for example, liver damage or withdrawal symptoms.

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No, stealing would be considered a behavioural sign of addiction. A physical sign of addiction would be, for example, liver damage or withdrawal symptoms.

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Why Is Bipolar Treatment Important?

In the days of Sylvia Plath's "Bell Jar", a Bipolar diagnosis would net patients a lengthy stay in the mental hospital, drug cocktails to fight psychosis and depression, and possibly even electroshock therapy. Today, most people view Bipolar disorder too lightly. Some even feel that it requires no treatment at all, seeing it merely as a sign of one gifted with an extremely creative mind. While it is true that some of our best and brightest artists, musicians and movie stars do suffer with Bipolar disorder, they do still need treatment to keep their symptoms manageable. Persons with untreated Bipolar disorder can experience a variety of symptoms that range from the slightly bizarre to the completely debilitating. Failure to seek treatment for Bipolar disorder can lead to worsening of symptoms and increased duration of symptoms. Untreated, symptoms of a manic or depressive cycle may persist for up to six months. While having a full blown manic or depressive episode, patients may behave in ways that they later regret. They may engage in promiscuous behavior or self medicate with alcohol or other drugs. They may run up massive credit card bills they will later be unable to pay or make poor choices regarding payment of existing bills. Those that suffer from Bipolar disorder are also at an increased risk of suicide, the ultimate price for not seeking treatment. Because symptoms may come and go with long periods of normal behavior in between episodes, family and friends will have to watch their loved ones with Bipolar disorder to ensure that they continue prescribed treatments during times when they may feel normal. It is not uncommon for those that have been diagnosed as Bipolar to doubt their diagnosis and cease treatment when they feel normal. Patients that cease their prescribed Bipolar treatment are more likely to succumb to suicide. Persons who receive regular Bipolar treatment may eventually experience complete relief from the symptoms of their disorder.