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Generally, using your phone without permission is not right. If you believe your teacher is using your phone without your permission, report them to the school authorities and tell your parents.

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Q: Can teachers talk on a students phone with out permission?
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because teachers are all jerks who hate their jobs and give out too much homework. theyre old and cranky and dont have jkjkjk. teachers dont hate students they are just tough on you becaus you dont listen and they care about your future and dont want you to make bad choices. btw im not a teacher hewre trying to make you be nice to teachers im a student who once hated teachers and hated school and made horrible grades. :) you should listen

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In general, teachers are bound by confidentiality rules. They are not allowed to talk about a student except with the student him/herself or the student's parents or guardians. The teacher might also talk with another teacher or another school professional, but only to discuss ways of teaching the student better. Sometimes teachers are required to talk about their students with police or other authorities. Ethical teachers do not randomly discuss students by name with their friends or family, but they might mention a classroom problem without revealing any names or giving any other personally identifying information. When they are not in school, teachers have other things to talk about -- books, movies, TV shows, household chores, games, vacations -- so they would talk about things other than their students. If they were to talk about a student, it would be public information -- like how many touchdowns a student made, who won the debate tournament, and other interesting public information that would be available in the newspaper.

Do you need a parents permission to get emancipated?

You do not need their permission. However, the court will talk to them and they do have to know about it.

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Because they're jerks with issues. Just be quiet and don't talk unless spoken to and you should be just fine.