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It may have EVERYTHING to do with the laws of your particular state - but usually unless the legal parent/guardian of the child surrenders any claim, they remain, legally, the child of that parent.

Your question would best be directed at a the Family Court of your particular jurisdiction or to an attorney who specifically practices in the area of 'family law.'

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Q: Can the child of a prisoner who is in foster care be adopted?
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Do you still pay child support if a child is removed from your custody and then adopted out?

If the child is in foster care you pay but not if the child is adopted. Then the child have new parents who are responsible for him/her.

Has anyone adopted from foster care?

Lots of people have adopted from foster care.

How is foster care not benificial?

the child will have a family, but some of them wont feel happy and fufilled until they are adopted.

If a child's real parents are not dead can he be adopted by adoptive parents?

Yes, there are situations where a child can be taken from his/her parents, when they are found to be unfit parents and/or are harming the child, then placed in the foster care system and eventually adopted out.

How do you get child back from foster care Georgia statute?

Depends on why the child is in foster care. Consult your lawyer.

How is adoption and foster care the same?

They aren't the same. Adoption is becoming the legal parent and foster care means the state is the childs guardian. The state makes all important decisions regarding the child and the foster parents have no rights, the state can just come in and move the child to another foster home for no reason. Adopted children are yours forever.

Are foster kids allowed to meet there foster parents before they are adopted?

Foster care and adoption is not the same thing. Yes, you get to meet your adoptive parents before they adopt you. That is not always the case with foster care since if a child is abused for instance the foster families are ready to receive you in the middle of the night sometimes, when it's needed. Foster care is not meant to be permanent like adoption.

Can you put the word foster in a sentence?

"My husband and I foster children.""They took care of a foster child.""As a child, she had a foster brother."

Why is foster care so important?

Foster care enables the state to remove children from poor living conditions. Most children in foster care are victims of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, etc. Placing a child in foster care gives the child a safe place to go until the parents either get the help they need to get their kids back or until the parents rights can be terminated and the kids adopted.

You are now an adult who was raised in foster care how can you find your biological parents?

If you aged out of foster care (weren't adopted) you would need to check with DCF about getting your foster care records.

What is the definition of a foster home?

A foster home is a household in which a child is given parental care by someone other than its birth parents or adoptive parent. A foster home is basically where kids go that have no parents whatsoever until they are adopted.

What happens if a child leaves foster care in California at 16?

they gone be placed in foster care