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Theoretically, yes.

But it can only send a bill back the House of Commons a set number of times and it must then accept it.

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Q: Can the house of lords block laws made by the house of commons?
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What two houses make the laws?

The House of Commons and the House of Lords

What are the 2 houses of the UK Parliament?

The house of commons - where the MPs sit in debate of various laws and other business... and the House of Lords- which represents the interests of the Monarchy.

What is the The House of Commons and the House of Lords?

The role of the House of Commons is to govern the country. It is made up of all the members of parliament, that are voted in by the likes of me. They pass laws etc. The House of Lords is made up of life peers, peers of the realm, bishops and archbishops. They can revoke laws that have been passed by the House of Commons.

What is the role of the House of Lords and House of Commons?

The role of the House of Commons is to govern the country. It is made up of all the members of parliament, that are voted in by the likes of me. They pass laws etc. The House of Lords is made up of life peers, peers of the realm, bishops and archbishops. They can revoke laws that have been passed by the House of Commons.

What are the name of the united kingdom's legislature?

THe legislature of the UK comprises two 'bodies'. The House of Commons, and the House of Lords. Potential laws are debated, and voted for in the House of Commons. If the bill is passed by the house, it's forwarded to the House of Lords for approval. Law can be passed back to the House of Commons for amendment - before ultimately being presented to Her Majesty the Queen for enactment.

Who chooses to make the law is it the house of commons or house of lords tell me the steps of making a law?

In England the House of Commons creates laws. The House of Lords is actually the name of England's highest level of court. I believe the judges of the House of Lords may attend, speak at, and might even technically get a vote in the House of Commons, but my understanding is that they never exercise these powers.

Why do you use the plural form for the houses of parliament?

Quite simply because there are two houses, the House of Commons - MPs that have been elected - and the House of Lords - important figures who have earned their positions, or inherited them, for example Bishops. The House of Commons makes the laws and is led by the Prime Minister, and the House of Lords checks the laws to ensure they are suitable and is led by the monarch.

Does the House of Commons have another name?

The House of Commons is sometimes referred to as simply the Commons, the Lower House, and during debates of the House of Lords (or the Canadian Senate), it can be referred to as "the other place" (since members of the Lords and Senate are not supposed to debate the conduct of the House of Commons).

What do you call the part of the British government where members make laws for the British people?

It is called the Parliament. It is divided into two parts the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The house of commons comes up with discuses and puts forward a proposal to enact a new law then if the House of Lords agrees with it it can be formed into a law.

What happens in the House Of Lords?

They are the people who make the decision as to whether a Bill passed by the House of Commons, and debated in the House of Lords, should become law or not- but the Commons can still override their decision by use of the Parliament Act.

The House of Lords can decide whether a law is in guidelines with the constitution?

Can The House of Lords decide whether a law is in guidelines with the constitution? true or false ? FALSE. The House of Lords CANNOT decide whether a law is in guidelines with the constitution. It can review the bills that are passed by the House of Commons. However, the House of Lords does not have the power to decide whether a law is constitutional. Also, it doesn't have the power to veto any laws passed by the House of Commons, but only the power to delay them.

What is the House of Parliament used for in London?

It's real name is the Palace of Westminster. It is used to house the parliament of the United Kingdom - the House of Commons and the House of Lords, which make UK laws.