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Q: Can the placenta movie to the top of the uterus if you are 20 weeks?
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What is posterior grade 2 high lying placenta?

Posterior placenta is when the placenta is located at the back of the motherÃ?s uterus. Placenta praevia means the placenta has not moved up towards the top of the uterus to get ready for birth. Grade 2 means the placenta is near the cervix but not blocking it.

What happens after placenta is expelled from a woman's body?

After the placenta is expelled from the body, the uterus immediately begins to shrink down to it's pre-pregnancy size. The nurse will feel for the fundus, or top, or the uterus and measure how far it goes down quite often. The uterus should be rather hard as it is contracting to normal size, but it may become soft, or boggy, and the nurse will massage the uterus until it becomes firm. The placenta will be stored in the hospital lab for about 2 weeks unless there are no complications and the parents request to take it home with them, for whatever reason.

What is a level 4 placenta?

It is code for the position of the placenta in the womb. A placenta across the opening of the uterus and the baby is on top will need a cesearean section. a ultrasound will tell the doctor the positioning and will assist him/her in planning your delivery. good luck joymaker rn

What is it called when the placenta is birthed before the fetus?

This condition is called Placenta Previa. With placenta previa, the placenta grows on the lower part of the uterus partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. The placenta should form at the top of the uterus, above the baby. With a normal pregnancy, the baby would be born first, then the placenta. With placenta previa, the placenta would be delivered first. Women with placenta previa require a c-section because as soon as the umbilical cord comes into contact with oxygen, the baby will automatically breathe with his lungs. Delivering the placenta first puts the baby at risk of suffocation in the womb.

Can the fetus be positioned behind the placenta?

yes as long as the baby is not on top of the placenta- i.e its weight does not put pressure on the placenta, it is fine; and during the course of gestation the placenta settles to the best position for the abby and mom!

Where placenta is located?

In normal pregnancy, the placenta is located at the top of the uterus, above the baby. So the placenta would be delivered after the baby. Placenta Previa is when the placenta forms in the lower part of the uterus, partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. In this condition, the placenta would be delivered first during a vaginal delivery. Women with Placenta Previa require delivery by cesarean section, because as soon as the umbilical cord reaches oxygen, the baby will automatically use his lungs to breathe. So, if the placenta were to be delivered first, the umbilical cord would reach oxygen and the baby would be in the womb suffocating because the lack of oxygen.

Do you feel your uterus in lower abdomen?

You generally can't feel the top of your uterus until after 12 weeks. Before then the uterus is tucked behind your pubic bone. Of course if you are having uterine cramping, you can tell where the cramps are coming from.

My placenta is located at the top of the inside of your bellyDoes it matter?

Yes, it matters. Your placenta should always be in your uterus, and I find it quite concerning that it is in my belly instead. If it's at the top and front of your uterus, I am pretty sure it's okay. The problem comes when it is located too low, in which case it blocks the baby from passing through the cervix when its time to give birth. This won't cause problems if you are being followed by an OB, but you will most likely have to have a C-section.

How many weeks would you be if your uterus is 15.4cm long?

The answer varies depending on how many children the woman has had, whether she is having multiples and maybe a few other things. Doctors measure the uterus by using a tape measure on the centimeter side. The start at the top of the pubic bone and end at the top of the uterus. Measuring 15 centimeters at 15 weeks is typical, but in the case of women who have had large families, their uterus at 15 weeks could be up to their belly buttons. And multiples have their own set of difficulties in measuring. Ultrasound is the most effective way of determining the gestational age of the baby.

At 14 weeks pregnant where in the stomach is the baby postioned?

At 14 weeks pregnant the baby is still positioned mostly behind the pelvic bone. The growth of a uterus at 14 weeks gestation is about a inch above the top of the pelvic bone.

What happens if the afterbirth is not removed?

Risks from a retained placenta include hemorrhage and infection. In birth centers and attended home birth environments, it is not uncommon for care providers to wait for the placenta's birth for up to 2 hours, but in a hospital setting most health care providers opt for a manual extraction if the placenta is not expelled within 30 minutes of delivering the baby. Breast feeding, massage of the fundus (top of the uterus) and an injection of oxytocin are all helpful in assisting in delivering the placenta (afterbirth).

What is a chicken placenta?

the chicken's placenta, as opposed to a human placenta, does not connect the mother to the child. instead, it connects the mother and the egg. the placenta extends from the mother's anus to the top of the egg. this is why the chicken sits on her eggs.