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Q: Can the woman who has physical but not legal custody of you report you as a runaway at the age of 17 in Pennsylvania if you live with her?
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Runaway or absentee minor report?

A runaway or absentee minor report is what a person files if a minor in their custody has run away or is missing. There are various reasons parents do not file a report a runaway that include not wanting to involve police involvement, they know where the minor is, or they do not think police involvement is needed.

Is all right to run away and live with your mom whit telling your dad?

Sweetheart, your mom will be charged with kidnapping unless she sends you back. If your father have custody of you there is a court order that has to be followed. As a runaway your father will report you and the police will bring you back. Anyone who helps you and knows you are a runaway can be charged with aiding a runaway. Now, if your mother wants you to live with her she will have to petition the court for custody. And whatever reason the court did not grant your mother custody must have changed. If they do not live too far apart she can ask for shared custody. So speak to your mom. You can not decide where to live until you are 18yo.

When was Pennsylvania Report created?

Pennsylvania Report was created in 1985.

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If you run away when can your mom report you as a runaway?

36 hours

What if you don't report a runaway in Michigan?

Parents get charged for neglect

Can a mom file runaway charges on her son if he goes with his dad?

{| |- | She can file a report of the child as a runaway with the police. She could also file a report against the father. Either one is going to get the authorities involved. |}

When can you report a 16 year old as a runaway?

You can typically report a 16-year-old as a runaway when they have left home without permission and you have reason to believe they are at risk or in danger. It is important to contact law enforcement as soon as possible to report a runaway situation.

How can your mom legally stop you from moving out?

If you are of legal age she can not but if you are a minor she can report you as a runaway and the police will come after you. Anyone who you stay with then will be harboring a runaway which is illegal.

I won gambling money in New Jersey but live in Pennsylvania, how do I report this ?

“I won gambling money in New Jersey but live in Pennsylvania, how do I report this?? ”

Is it illegal to runaway when your 16 in Oregon?

No, in Oregon they don't prosecute run aways and the police don't really do anything. Your parents can file a report, but they will only make you go back home if you violate a law and end up in police custody

What can a parent do if a child moves out at age seventeen in Michigan?

Call the police and report them as a runaway.