

Can tiger barbs eat their own eggs?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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13y ago

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Yes. Barbs can and will eat their own eggs, as they have no parental instinct towards their eggs or fry. Barbs will generaly eat all of their eggs as soon as they are released, and then eat remaining fry once the eggs have hatched. For this reason, if you plan on bredding tiger barbs, you should place the female and a male in a breeding tank and remove them both as soon as the eggs are laid.

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Q: Can tiger barbs eat their own eggs?
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What are the characteristics of the Tiger Barb fish?

The Tiger barb is a semi-aggressive species and they will form a social order. This social order can be extended to include other fish as well. The amount of fish that you keep in your aquarium depends on the size of your aquarium and the size of your fish when they are full grown. Injured fish should be quarantined since the Tiger barbs can attack wounded fish. Fish with large or exceptionally long and flowing fins are not recommended in the same aquarium with Tiger barbs. The Tiger barb will usually become mature enough to mate when it reaches a length of about 1 inch or 2.5 centimeters long, and this will typically happen when the fish is about seven weeks old. I have successfully mated Tiger barbs. To determine if Tiger barbs are male or female, the female Tiger barb is larger than the male which has a rounder belly and they have a distinctive red nose, and above the black part of his dorsal (back) fin you can see a red line that is characteristic of the Tiger barb. The dorsal fin of the female is mainly black. In most of the fishworld, the male is usually more colorful than the female. If you want to breed freshwater Tiger barbs in your aquarium, the best method is to keep a group of Tiger barbs together and let them form their own pairs. They are egglayers. Some fish like black mollies are livebearers. When egglaying fish are ready to spawn, they usually build a bubble or foamy safe place to lay their eggs. Because fish eat their own or other fish eggs, these foamy safeplaces should be in a breeding tank or a seperate tank. Removing the adult fish after spawning is really recommended

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Can you keep tiger barbs and guppies together?

No, unless the barbs are really execptionally peaceful. If not, they would bully the guppies and the guppies would be dead due to nips and injuries. I have to disagree with the answer as I have a community tank which has Guppy and Barb (Tiger & Ruby) and my guppy bullies the barbs! All are living together and I have had only one injury which was actually to my Silver Dollar and was caused by him getting wedged in between heater and glass. Hope that helps, check out Wakeybikerguy videos on youtube for videos of my tanks.

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heck yea why not