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Q: Can too much candy make you constipated?
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Is too much vitamin A bad?

I heard it isn't bad just not good.... and might make you Constipated

Does candy shrink you?

No, candy is safe in that way, but if you have too much of it, it's not very good for your teeth and can make you fat.

Why do some people get constipated?

Cause you eat too much cheese.

Can too much Vitamin C make you constipated or poop a lot less in smaller portions than you usually do?

Too much of anything can harm you, I havn't heard of such but I would say its better not to

Will eating candy make you sick?

Eating too much candy can give a person a stomach ache as well. Timothy Phi said: i could have said that... look more carefully at the question. biologically, how, what chemicals in candy make you sick or what does the sugar do to make you sick?

What can too much candy do to you?

It can make u sick and possibly throw up:( Or u could get diabetes

What will happen to a hamster if it eats salty peanuts?

Too much salt and too much processed starch is bad for hamsters just as it's bad for humans. But hamsterrs are much smaller than us so things that we consider small are large to them. Too much salt will make them dehydrated and probably give them high blood presure. Too much crackers or bread will make them fat and constipated.

Did John Candy die from eating too much candy?

no he had a heart attck

How much candy does a child eat on Easter?

Too much.

What happens when there is an excess of fiber in your diet?

If you intake too much fiber you may become constipated

How much candy is too much?

I am pretty sure that if you eat all you Halloween candy in one night, then you have had too much candy. I would say having more than 3 candy bars a day would be too much. It all depends on the person's metabolism. You may have a fast or slow metabolism. I hope this was helpful.

How do you make purses out of candy wrappers?

for small purses, the candy wrappers will serve only as a design on the purse not the purse it self because it cannot handle too much weight