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Yes, Aliens and eggs can live under water. But you will never see them. They live under the sea really, really, really deep.

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Q: Can toy alien eggs live in water Can alien eggs live in water?
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Is it true that toy alien eggs give birth?

yes it is true and i recommend you buy alien birthpod

What do you do with a alien egg elite kids toy?

You play with the alien egg toys, use your imagination, pretend they will hatch into alien babies and you are going to help them save the earth. There are certain alien eggs or gel pills that are immersed in water and grow into spongy aliens. these can be used with soap and water to shower.

Can you wash a toy alien?

If you wash a toy alien with a battery in it, It might not work.

Where do you get alien eggs?

You can get alien eggs at some toy shops, some pound shops or some stalls at carnivals. In most shops you can get them between 99p-£1.50. If you've ever heard of The Works book shop, they sell them there for 99p.

what will happen if you put your alien with the goo in the water with out the egg?

Jelly-like aliens in a plastic egg are a popular toy for young children. The aim of the toy is to place the egg in water and within 48 hours the alien will grow. If you put your alien with the goo in the water without the egg, it may get damaged and lose some of its shape.

What do you feed a toy alien?


How do you get the baby out of the alien toy?

make it give birth

How do you know if your toy alien is dead?

if you have a scardox alien,{meaning a birthpod by grossman}if the plastic lid is steamyish.

How can you tell if a toy alien is dead?

If it doesn't work or if it does not start

Will there be a Gwen toy from ben 10 alien force?


Can aliens from the toy alien pods have babies and how?

They dont grow!

How do alien eggs have babies?

So far as is known there are no extraterrestrials. There is certainly no information as to how they reproduce. If you are talking about the toy 'Alien Eggs' Then unfortuanately the eggs do not reproduce babies as they have no chemicals inside them to create more of the putty type thing the aliens are made of and so they cannot create more aliens.