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Yes they can but you have to watch for sings of aggression and dominance and provide lots of hides so that if one is being bullied that it has a place to retreat.

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Q: Can two female gargoyle gecko's live together in an 18x18x24?
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Can you put a gargoyle gecko and a blue dumpy tree frog in a cage together?

No, they are from different places and can give each other diseases. Also gargoyle geckos need to live ALONE, they shouldn't even live with other gargoyle geckos. They will kill the frog.

Will male crested gecko fight with a male gargoyle geckos?

Yes, they will fight together, exept if they are put in separate homes

Do boy geckos fight over a girl gecko?

Male geckos will fight till the death if they are housed together, regardless of a female being present or not. Never housed males together as they will fight for dominance and territory.

Are leopard geckos happier when there are two?

No. Leopard geckos are solitary. Put two males together and they will fight. Put a male and female together is not a good idea, unless you are prepared to take care of eggs. But if you introduce females to eachother young, they might get along.

Can female and female Leopard Geckos live together?

Yes, but two males is a bad idea. and unless you want baby gecko's, no male or female. However, make sure they get along. i had 2 females and they fought alot. one had to be put down as she stopped eating, which the vet blamed on the other one stopping it. Any danger with gecko's is cage mates accidentally standing on eachothers tails. be aware of thses facts before getting another gecko.

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

Where can female Leopard geckos be ordered? or if they do not have females you can go to a pet store and purchase one. Petco has baby male and female leopard geckos for only $30.

How much is a gecko from a pet store?

Depending on the gecko species will determine the price of the animal. More common species are usually sold at a lower value such as the: house gecko, turner gecko, golden gecko, tokay gecko, skunk gecko. Other species such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and gargoyle geckos can range from $60 - $500. There are even "sought out" or "desired" species of gecko than can range upwards of $1000-$4000 this could include: Leachianous geckos, Green geckos, Chaoua geckos.

Can female leopard geckos get along?

If you are going to start keeping leopard geckos, you can only have one male but as many females as you like. If you are trying to breed them then have a few females to up your chances. If you put more then one male in they will fight.

Do geckos have babies?

A female will lay eggs wether she has a male to fertilize them or not. These eggs will never hatch without the male. But with a male and female they will have intercourse where the male will fertilize the female and then after a few months the female will lay fertile eggs and a few more months they will hatch into baby geckos

Can you keep leopard geckos with Madagascar day geckos?

This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.

Can two male leopard gecko live together?

No. If you put a boy leopard gecko with a girl leopard gecko they will get aggressive with you, you can't put 2 boys in the same cage, either. 2 females are OK, but leopard geckos like to be alone