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No, a person with type a blood and a person with type O blood can not produce an offspring with AB blood. The person with type A has either two genes which code for the A protein or one gene (either IAIA or IAi) while the person with type O blood is ii. there are therefore on genes which code for B available and the production of a child with AB blood is not possible.

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11y ago

Blood type A and O parents cannot produce a type AB offspring.

To produce an AB child, one parent would contribute the gene coding for the enzyme responsible for adding the "A" sugar to the red cell membranes, and the other parent would contribute the gene responsible for the "B" sugar. A type O individual has neither gene, and as such can only pass the O gene to their offspring.

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13y ago

Yes, this will happen in a possibility with 50%.

when AB and O give kids, the blood types of them will be :

* 50% type A.

* 50% type B.

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Q: Can type O and AB make type A blood?
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Can type b and type O blood make type AB blood?

No. Blood type O is recessive; you need an O gene from each parent. B can either be BB or BO but AB is either AB or BA, and cannot pass on an O gene.

Universal blood recipient?

If you are AB positive (AB+ is universal receiver for positive blood group) then you can receive blood from A+, B+ & O+ & if you are AB negative then you cn receive blood from A-, B- & O-.

What two blood types are not compatible?

More than just two blood types are not compatible with each other. The four basic types of blood are: A, B, AB, O(not counting Rh). Type A blood can only receive blood from type A and type O. However, type A blood can donate their blood to type A and type AB. Type B blood can only receive blood from type B and type O. However, type B blood can donate their blood to type B and type AB. Type AB blood can receive blood from every type, A, B, AB, and O. However, type AB blood can only donate to other AB. Type O blood can only receive blood from type O. However, type O can donate their blood to A, B, AB, and O. So, AB is the "universal" reciepient and O is the "universal" donor.

What is the blood type that has no antigens?

Type AB blood has no antibodies, so people with this blood type can receive blood from A, B, AB, and O types,

Can type O and type AB make AB?

Yes, this will happen in a possibility with 50%.when AB and O give kids, the blood types of them will be :* 50% type A.* 50% type B.

What is the blood type of the child of O father and AB positive mother make?

The blood type should be O positive.

Does type AB blood contains agglutinate A and B?

If the blood type is AB then the agglutinin would be O because agglutinin is what we do not have. Since the person has AB type blood, he/she does not have O type blood.

What are various types of blood?

There are four different types of blood: A, B, AB and O. In order to be able to donate part of your liver they will have to test both yours and your daughter's blood to make sure you are compatable. If you are compatable there may be less chance for rejection of the liver.

Aaron has blood type O. Can either of his parent have blood type AB?

no, blood type AB has gennotype IA,IB while blood type o has the genotype II. Each of his parents passed on an allele,So neither could have blood type AB

Can two people with - blood type have a blood type baby?

For parents with o+o, they will have kids with O type blood. For parents with A+A, they will have kids with A or O type blood. For parents with B+B, they will have kids with B or O type blood. Foe parents with AB+AB, they will have kids with AB, A or B type blood.

What blood type can be donated to anyone A B AB or O?

Blood Type Antigens on Red Blood Cell Can Donate Blood To Antibodies in Serum Can Receive Blood From A A A, AB Anti-B A, O B B B, AB Anti-A B, O AB A and B AB None AB, O O None A, B, AB, O Anti-A and anti-B O

Can a child have o positive blood if the mother is AB?

No, a child with type O blood can not be born of a woman with AB blood type.