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When you're 18, you could be called pedophile if you dated an 8 or 9-year-old maybe, but definitely not a 15-year-old.

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Q: Can you be labeled as a pedophile for dating someone who is 15 if you are 18?
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Is prince Andrew a pedophile after going out with a 15 year old girl?

After what I've read it was his friend who had these girls and some were introduced to Andrew. That does not make him a pedophile.

Is it legal for someone thats 17 to date someone that's 15?

Yes it is legal if you're 17 and dating someone that's 15. As long as the other person is turning 16 before you turn 18. It's only illegal if someone that is 18 is dating someone that is younger than 16.

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That last answer was unnecessary. Being 15 and gay, a lot of online dating sites will not allow you on there, and honestly, it is not a good idea to try and meet someone online when you are so young. The chance of it turning out to be a rapist or pedophile is too great to ignore. Of course, there are LGBT communities in every state in the U.S, so that may be a viable option for you.

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15 countries are labeled on the map.

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No. She is currently dating someone 15 years younger than her.

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NO. Trunks is 15 years older than Pan. That would make Trunks a pedophile.

Can you date a 15 year old girl if im 8?

No. You are 8 and a child. A 15 year old is not interested in you for a dating. She wants someone her age or older. Go outside and play. Quit thinking about dating at 8 years old. You have 8 years before you can date.

Is it ok of 18 year old guy dating a 15 year old girl?

Personally, I think that it is okay to date someone that is younger than you. Even by more than 3 years. As long as you have feelings for this person and you really like them. I used to know someone who was a 15 year old kid and was dating a 9 year old. As long as you really like them.

In Michigan is there a strong chance that you'll go to jail if you're 18 and dating a 15-year-old with consent of sex and if so how long could you go for?

Usually up to 5 years but then you'll be labeled as a sex offender. Why not marry her?

Can someone other then your parents get your 23 year old boyfriend introuble if your 15 if its okay with the with your parents that you dating him?

yes, because you are underage to be dating Yes the "boy" is an adult and it is illegal for adults to have affairs with minors[kids under 18]

At what age difference is someone considered a pedophile by law?

There is no such thing as a "pedophile" legally. The legal terms for sexual activity involving underage minors include "child sexual abuse", "statutory rape", "sexual abuse of a minor" and "sexual assault". According to the American Psychiatric Association, a pedophile is an adult or an adolescent aged 16 or older who is primarily attracted to prepubescent children (generally aged 13 and under). In order for one to be classified as a pedophile, there must be a 5 year age difference between the pedophile and his/her preferred partners. If you are talking about the age difference in which someone is considered off limits to have relations with, that will depend on the jurisdiction you are in. In many countries/states, there are close-in-age exemptions that exclude punishments for sex with underage minors if the older partner is close in age. For example, in Canada, the age of consent is 16, but those aged 14-15 may have relations with partners no older than four years than them. There are no close in age exemptions in jurisdictions such as California and the UK.