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Obviously you cannot be pregnant if you're menstruating - menstruation occurs when you don't fall pregnant. If sexually active you need to learn about your cycles and how conception occurs.

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Q: Can you be perganant when you on your period and having very painful abdmonial pains?
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How do you know if you are having your period?

You will have blood in your knickers/panties and when you wipe. It can be painful and make you feel ill

What is a painful condition of the lower back?

Having your period. Might wanna go clift jumping /\/iggaa.

Very very painful cramping while having your period for 13 yrs what does this mean?

it is normal. if it becomes too painful then i strongly recomend you go on the pill. it worked for me.

Are miscarriages always really painful?

No. My wife had a miscarriage and she said it was just like having a very heavy period with more than normal cramps.

Can you have period like cramps and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy?

yes you can. i am 37 weeks pregnant. for the first tree months or so i was having very painful period cramps and i always thought my period will come any moment. but according to my i was completely safe.

Is your period painfull?

No, but once it was v painful. i was on paracetamol for about a week.

Is a period painful?

For most women, yes it is. There are some however whose period is painless.

How long is a first period?

a first period can be painful but i will be just for 3 to 4 days

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Laser resurfacing is not painful, but it will require a recovery period of ten days to two weeks

How do you tell your teacher your having your period?

you tell him/she your having a problem and he/she will ask what say im having my period.

Does it mean you are pregnant if your period comes a week early on birth control and been on it for 2 years?

Don't worry at all, if you get your period early it has nothing to do with being pregnant. If you are pregnant you would have a lapse of period all together. The only other possibily that I can think of is that you are not having a period, but having a miscarriage. This will most likely be very much like a period, but often includes heavy bleeding and very painful cramping. Check with your doctor to make sure its not a serious problem!! Good Luck

What is the adjective for the word period?

Periodic is the adjective related to the noun period. Adjectives used to describe the word period include painful, prolonged, and heavy.