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well if you talk about their privacy as in where they live and etc. but not really unless they think it is an invasion of privacy.

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Q: Can you be sued for talking to someone about another person?
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How do you know if someone is talking behind your back?

It is possible. If someone conspires and tries to do things to you then yes it is illegal and a person can be sued or possibly imprisoned. My advice is not to do it and save a lot of trouble.

Can you be sued civilly by someone who was included in a bankruptcy?

anyone can sue another person at any time in there life no matter how they stand finacally in their past.

How can you secretly harass someone?

Such action is not possible. However, a person who commits an act of harassment that results in physical and/or emotional and/or financial harm to another person can be sued in civil court.

What can you do when someone copies your website?

If someone copies a copyrighted website, then that is piracy and the person could be sued

Can the president of the United states be sued by another person?

Yes, congress.

If a car hits your car and makes you hit someone walking on the side walk who gets sued?

Who actually gets sued is up to the person that got hit, but ideally the person who hit your car first and not you.

What would happen if a person sells music created by someone else?

be sued in court for copyright infringement

What if someone lied to get on a jury?

That person could be sued and depending on the importance of the lie, he may be taken to prison.

Who gets sued if you are involved in an accident and the other person is at fault?

other person get sued

Can a person who is on the title but not a driver be sued if the other person on the title has an accident?

Yes, they can be sued. Its law.

If you have a joint account with a person that is sued can they come after your other accounts?

No. They can only go after the assets of the person that is being sued. If you have a joint account with that person that is part of the other person's assets. Any account that is just in your name is safe as you are not the person being sued.