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Gum disease is not contagious it comes from poor dental care. Brush and floss regularly.

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Q: Can you catch gum disease when a person has bad breath?
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Heart disease, cancer and Asthma are all examples of things that can kill you. All of these three things can be treated.

Why does my dog's breath smell bad?

There are many reasons why your dog's breath can smell bad. One such factor is dental and gum disease.

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you can die from cancer or heart disease and it gives you a bad breath

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your guinea pig could have really bad breath either from a really bad disease or he could have been born with bad breath. my guinea has really bad breath too! Don't worry and stay calm! go to a vet and see what they say!

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It would be. It would make it hard to catch a breath.

Does lactose intolerance cause bad breath?

no. as usually if not caused by gum disease, bad breath is caused by a gas from the stomach. someone who is lactose intolerant would have bad breath if consuming dairy produce as it would cause a stomach upset

What is causing your bad breath if you do not have gum disease?

Some foods can cause bad breath: onions radish red wine garlic Bad breath can also be caused by other illnesses. Bad breath can be caused by not taking care of your teeth by brushing. flossing, using mouthwash, and visiting your dentist regularly.

Does immune means good or bad?

Good-you can't catch a disease

What do you do if someone told you that your breathe was stank?

The correct phrase is "stinky breath" or "breath that stinks". You might visit your dentist. Gum disease can cause halitosis, or bad breath.

Can one catch 'leprosy' from another by just smelling their bad breath?

No they can not.. It is air born but it has to be from a sneeze or cough

Does smoking give bad breath?

Smoking deteriorates the gums over the years, causing a disease called periodontitis, which causes very bad breath. But most of all, the smoke itself smells bad, and when you inhale it in your body, your mouth keeps that horrible smell and you get extreme bad breath. If you smoke, most people won't tell you that you have bad breath, but they will avoid you.

What happens to your teeth if you don't brush your teeth?

Brush your teeth or you will have cavities, bad breath, and gum disease.