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no. as usually if not caused by gum disease, bad breath is caused by a gas from the stomach. someone who is lactose intolerant would have bad breath if consuming dairy produce as it would cause a stomach upset

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Q: Does lactose intolerance cause bad breath?
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People who are lactose intolerant are not able to process lactose in the body. Lactose is a substance that is commonly found in milk products. Older adults and people of certain ethnic groups are more prone to develop lactose intolerance. Symptoms for lactose intolerance include abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, gas, diarrhea. Those who experience any of the symptoms mentioned should consult with their doctor for further advice on dealing with and controlling lactose intolerance.

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No, oranges does't cause bad breath. Oranges are rich in vitamin c, which create an inhospitable environment for mouth bacteria, it helps to fight bad breath as well.

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Symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating and nausea. How bad the symptoms are vary from person to person. You can learn more at

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Is warm milk good or bad for cats?

Milk is bad for cats because most cats have lactose intolerance Even if the milk is warm, it wont help. There is special milk for baby kittens or baby dogs