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If you are frustrated with family and friends for bothering you count to ten, get over the feeling that this advice is stupid, and look at your virtue of patience. Be patient and you may feel a little better if not still extreamly annoyed.

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Q: Can you describe a stressful situation and tell how to handle the situation?
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The only way to handle this situation is to actually tell the person how you feel. So go for it!

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Dont gossip! x

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These types of questions are commonly asked if you have to work in the customer service field. think back to a specific time when this happened to you, then tell the interviewer the specific situation. example: There are a number of times when I had to calm a customer. One specific example was when........ and the customer was upset after I reviewed the situation, I was able to......and provided an answer within the 24 hours as promised.....

Top interview questions?

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How do you handle a situation whe someone wants to marry you after a few emails?

You tell the person that you haven't known them long enough.

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Speak to the supervisor and explain the situation. Tell them you need more information or that you need to clarify it. Do it in a non-confrontational way. Show that you are eager to learn, but need a little help. Thank them for their assistance.

How might you respond to someone who express the desire to take his or her life and asks you to promise not to tell anyone?

Tell someone. You alone cannot help this person, don't kid yourself into believing that you will be able to save them. If this person has trusted someone with their desire to kill themselves, they are most likely doubting their own intentions, and are unsure if they actually want to. By telling someone who is more qualified to handle a situation like this, you are not endangering their life, simply because they are not prepared yet. However make sure that the person you tell is able to handle the situation. Often times the parent of said individual will be too emotional to handle the situation appropriately, if possible you should contact a counselor. Most importantly though, tell someone. Anyone. What is more important to you, a promise? Or the safety of your friend?

What does hold down your own mean?

I'm afraid the saying I have heard tell of is "hold your own" which means, delicately put, to handle a situation all by yourself with no backup/assistance.