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It is not likely, though. If you have ever heard of a disease called Toxic shock syndrome (TSS), this is associated with tampons. Specifically the high-absorbancy ones. TSS has been known to kill some women who use tampons. Their disease was most likely overlooked or undetected.

This is a RARE disease, however. It grows just like any other bacteria. When it's dark, warm, and wet, bacteria thrive! Guess what our bodies are on the inside! We are mostly water, have an average temp. of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and there aren't any light-bulbs inside of us, so it's dark!

So, just using a tampon can't KILL you.

TSS, which is mainly caused by tampons, can.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Yes, if you leave it in for more than 8 hours. Then you'll run the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome, a disease that causes high body temperature, high blood pressure, skin irritation, and vomiting/diarrhea among other things (and this disease CAN kill you). Tampons won't kill you if you change them frequently.

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15y ago

If you never change the tampon, it can result in Toxic Shock Syndrome, as created by the bacterium on the tampon never being removed for a new one. However, recently, Toxic Shock Syndrome has been proven to not be as often-occurring as it once was.

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10y ago

Yes, worn throughout your period puts you at higher risk of TSS and vaginal infections by not allowing your vagina a chance to heal or clean itself after tampon use. Many tampons also contain toxins like dioxin, the more you use tampons the more you expose yourself to this toxin so the higher the long-term health risks.

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9y ago

Yes, if you contract Toxic Shock Syndrome as a result.

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is rare but still thought to occur in as many as 1 in 700 women, it isn't always fatal but can be if left untreated or if you have a weakened immune system. TSS occurs as a result of growth of certain bacteria which then produce toxins, toxins enter the bloodstream via tears caused by the drying effect of tampons and if a person lacks immunity these toxins overwhelm the immune system leading to organ failure - thus potentially death.

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9y ago

Tampons can't kill you, but Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) can kill you.

TSS occurs when certain strains of bacteria multiply and start producing TSST-1 toxins, these toxins get into your bloodstream and if you lack immunity they overwhelm the immune system - initial symptoms are low blood pressure and high fever, there can be many other symptoms depending on which organs are effected and the organs will start to fail during a severe case of TSS.

Tampons are a major cause of TSS because they allow massive bacterial growth in the vagina while also damaging vaginal tissues so giving bacterial toxins direct route into the bloodstream. It's a myth that TSS only occurs from leaving tampons in too long, TSS can occur within the first few hours of tampon use - if susceptible to TSS then it does not wait until the 8 hour mark to take effect.

To reduce TSS risk from tampon use:

  • Change tampons every 4-6 hours (not 8 hours)
  • Always use lowest absorbency for your flow
  • Alternate with pads as much as possible
  • Avoid rayon tampons and opt for cotton tampons
  • Do not use before menstruation or with light flow
  • Avoid wearing tampons overnight
  • Avoid tampons while you have vaginal infections
  • Learn about TSS and other tampon use

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9y ago

Potentially you can dye if you develop Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

TSS occurs when certain bacteria multiply and start to produce toxins, these toxins can enter the body via tissue damage and if you lack immunity it overwhelms the immune system causing low blood pressure and high fever, a severe case will eventually result in major organ failure. If a person has a weakened immune system, is already ill or suffers health problems, or/and doesn't receive medical attention in time then TSS can kill a person within just a week.

Tampons can lead to TSS as they provide the perfect environment for bacteria to multiply while preventing the vagina cleaning itself, while also damaging vaginal tissues that allow bacterial toxins to enter the bloodstream. The longer tampons are left the longer bacteria are allowed to multiply, even if you are immune to the TSST-1 toxins if they are present and increase to a high enough level they can counter this - basically they are a toxin so in high enough amounts it can be fatal.

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7y ago

Tampons cannot kill you, however they can lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome which can be fatal.

Toxic Shock Syndrome occurs as a result of bacterial growth - certain strains of bacteria that are allowed to thrive due to tampon use - the bacteria produce toxins and if a person lacks immunity the toxins overwhelm the immune system. If left untreated or if severe TSS can kill a person within a week.

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14y ago

Yes. Tampon boxes come with directions on how to use them. If your mother, sister, or friends use tampons, ask them to help you.

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11y ago

If you get a severe case of TSS and don't get treatment, yes

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Will 5 tampons be okay for 5 days Also how do you insert quickly?

It depends on your flow and when you'll be wearing tampons. Tampons need to be changed every 4-6 hours, remember too that you cannot wear tampons with light flow, overnight, and you need to alternate with pads.

Does wearing tampons always cause gas pains?

More than likely, they are increased menstrual cramps rather than gas pains. Tampons commonly increase menstrual cramps as they can expand into your cervix which is already sensitive during menstruation, and by absorbing vaginal moisture they can 'tug' on vaginal walls adding to cramps too. If this happens often consider options like menstrual cups or softcups which can reduce cramps and are more comfortable than tampons.

Why would someone feel sharp pains in their pelvic area while using tampons?

Tampons can increase menstrual cramps if they expand into your cervix - if you have a short vaginal canal and use lengthways expanding tampons this will be worse. Tampons also damage vaginal tissues, if using rayon tampons that are too high an absorbency they may cause tears.If you're sure tampons are the cause of this then use pads or cups instead, they're safer anyway.

Is it bad to wear a tampon is your period is irregular?

Wearing tampon may block the flow sometime. That too if you have irregular periods better go with a normal one. In case of emergency requriements you can use tampons

What happens if i use a tampon before my period starts?

Not a good idea. Tampons can cause a bacterial infection called toxic shock. It can kill you. Even on your period you need to be careful of wearing a tampon too long.

Dose a tampon ill up if you are laying down?

Yes, tampons still fill-up while you're laying down - due to gravity less blood flows down into the tampon, thus one reason why tampons shouldn't be worn overnight as it would be like wearing too high an absorbency, but blood will still flow.

Are pads or tampons better?

they are both fine its what makes u more comfortable with i prefer tampons cause wen i wear pads it feels like im wearin a diaper. yeah i started with pads for like a year and then switched to tampons and i dont think i could go back :P

What do you do when you get your period in middle school?

start carrying tampons with you, their easier to carry and use. If you don't have them and you start, go to your schools nurse, they have what you need there. Don't stress about it. If you're too nervous to go to the nurse, ask a friend of yours that you're comfortable to tell about your problem, most girls carry pads or tampons.

Why do tampons hurt to take out?

It would only hurt if you are removing them before time and so it is too dry; when a tampon is full of menstrual blood it glides out easily. Remember, though, not to leave it in for more than 8 hours. If you have this problem often, you should switch to a smaller size tampon.

Where is a good place to find tampons?

A good place to find tampons is your local drug store. Walgreens, Walmart, Target, and even some grocery stores have them too.

Are tampons cheaper than pads?

They're CLEANER - wearing a pad is like wearing a diaper! * Tampons are not cleaner, the opposite is true, and only disposable pads feel like diapers. also you can get TSS from tampons which obviously isnt healthy :P

Where are junior tampons found?

Junior tampons are the lowest absorbency tampons, called junior or lights. These can be found anywhere that sells tampons, so places like supermarkets or pharmacies. There are also companies online that offer monthly tampon subscription services that will sell junior tampons too.