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Yes, however; there is a big exception. If you are collecting VA Disability and getting the 100% Service Connected Compensation based on "Unemployability" then the answer is no. Call your DAV rep or County VA Rep for specific details.

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Q: Can you draw VA disability and unemployment?
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Can you draw both unemployment and disability in Washington state?

You can draw both unemployment and disability in Washington State. There is a limit to the amount of unemployment you can draw without it affecting your disability payments. Each situation is unique.

Are VA Disability benefits taxable?

Your VA Disability check is NOT taxable. VA Disability is a compensation NOT earned income.

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YOu cannot receive unemployment benefits at all unless you are available for work and actively seeking work. So, if you are DISABLED, you are not fit for work, and are disqualified from UI benefits.

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It is possible to file bankruptcy when receiving VA disability.

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No, because there is no tax deductions in your disability which entitles you to receive unemployment.

Which pays more unemployment or disability?

Which pays more regarding unemployment or disability depends on how much money you were making at your previous job. If you were making a lot of money, then unemployment is likely to pay more.

Is VA disability income reported on a 1099 each year?

I do not think so, VA disability is not taxable. I get a 1099-R each year showing my military retirement income but nothing to show my VA disability.

Can you draw disability and still work?

can you draw disability and still work Type your answer here...