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Hard exercise on a water fast is a seriously bad idea. Your body will have to find the energy somewhere, and if you aren't eating there aren't many places it can get it from. Muscle is easier to metabolize than fat, so they will suffer.

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Q: Can you exercise hard during a 30 day water fast to avoid substantial muscle loss?
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Warm up well before exercise dude ;D yeah what she said lol

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It is important to start with low intensity exercises to avoid muscle strain and injury. As stamina and muscles become adapted to exercise, the exercise routine can be increased.

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If you not sore after a workout, your not going to gain muscle. When you lift, what you are doing is making tiny rips in your muscle, your body recovers by building new muscle to avoid it again. So if your muscles arent sore, your not going to gain any muscle.

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If you use insulin to control your diabetes, it is very important to have diabetes testing supplies available at all times. You should check your blood sugar frequently during exercise to avoid unexpected lows.

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Do not avoid exercise when dieting, as exercise is beneficial to your dieting plans by helping you lose weight. Do not overexert yourself, however, as that is detrimental to your health.

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you can protect your muscular system by doing a warm up first when you do exercise to avoid overstretching your muscle. drink a lot of water when you do exercise to keep you cool and less fatigue. avoid a position that can strain your muscle that can tear your ligament.dont overdo the routine that make you feel muscle ache a meal that are rich in vitamin B that can help your muscle function.One way that you can help protect your muscular system is by eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Is muscle good for the heart?

The heart itself is a muscle. Physical activity is extremely healthy for the heart. Exercise helps to increase proper blood flow through blood vessels, and along with a healthy diet, a person can avoid the symptoms of a heart attack. Muscle burns more fat when a person is exercising, meaning more muscle is a great attribute for a healthy heart.