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because you can pull a muscle and strain them and you will cramp up really badly

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15y ago
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15y ago

you need a warm up before exercise as you can pull your muscles during the exercise or you can do even more seriouse damage.

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13y ago

I think it is to prepare our muscles for the exercises so as not to hurt our muscles.

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7y ago

Warming up before exercising is to avoid muscle strain.

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16y ago

To keep them from ripping.

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Q: Why is it important to warm up before vigorous activity?
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A consists of a period of non-strenuous activity that slowly prepares the body for more vigorous exercise.?


A consists of a period of non-strenuous activity that slowly prepares the body for more vigorous exercise?


Why is it important to do a light warm up jog before you begin to do a work out or physical activity?

Because you are tired and want to rest so by sitting down it will be helpful. Also, people get restless

Why is it important to mobilise your joints before physical activity?

You can pull a muscle or tear something without a warm-up first.

Why is a warm-up important?

A warm up is important as it allows the resting muscles, joints and heart under normal activity to become active and supple enough to accomdate the exercise that the body is about to undertake.

Why is it important to do a warm up before working out?

Its important to warm up before working out because if you don't warm up there is a higher possibility of pulling a muscle or cramping up because your body will not be physically prepared to work out

Why should you stretch before activity?

Stretching helps to warm up your muscles. when your muscles are warm, it is less likely that you will pull a muscle or sustain a injury. .

Why is warm up routine important?

A warm up is important as it allows the resting muscles, joints and heart under normal activity to become active and supple enough to accomdate the exercise that the body is about to undertake.

A warm-up routine prepares the entire body for vigorous exercise but especially the?


Why is a warm-up routine important?

A warm up is important as it allows the resting muscles, joints and heart under normal activity to become active and supple enough to accomdate the exercise that the body is about to undertake.

Why warming up before vigorous exercise is important?

Your muscles will need to be eased into the work. If one jumps straight into strenuous excersise without warming up, then they are at a much higher risk of injury. Plus when you warm up, it gets your body ready for the excersise and may give you more stamina.

Warming up before an activity is imporatnt to reduce your chance of?

warming up (including stretching) before an intense activity reduces the chance of pulling or even tearing muscles. This does not usually prevent from being sore afterwards or the next day though. you should stretch and warm up before the activity and stretch alot after the activity, and especially stretch what feels the most sore to you.