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For a young kittens best health, powdered milk is not a good idea. Powdered milk will offer nothing in terms of nutrients. For them to be in best health, have them breastfeed off their mother if she is there. If not, try and find another nursing cat who can feed another mouth, or buy special kitten formula from your vet.

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Q: Can you feed a 6 day old kitten powdered milk?
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Related questions

What do you feed 3 day old kitten with?

milk and cat food.

What can you feed a 6 day old kitten who has no mother?

KMR or kitten milk replacer ring a vet and ask for some you will need to bottle feed it

How often do you give a kitten or a cat milk?

It depends.. The age of the kitten is important.. Kittens can get milk.. it just depends on how old they are. 3 months is the right time you can feed them milk if they are suppoted on their mother's milk. However.. if the kitten does not have a mother, it is encourged that they are to have milk. You are welcome!! -Amber <><><><> Many cats and kittens have trouble digesting cow's milk- upset tummy. There are milk replacements you can get from a vet if you need to nurse an orphan kitten- but would pass on cow's milk. Remember, they are kittens, not calves.

How often should you feed a poddy calf?

twice a day or once a day with powdered milk - if twice a day to less concentrated powdered milk in each bucket or bottle. They generally drink between 2 to 3 litres of milk depending on whether you are feeding them once or twice a day - specific directions are usually contained in bag of milk powder which is usually 20 kilograms in weight

How do you look after your cat or kitten?

feed it every day

2 day old marmoset how many times a day do you feed the baby?

You should feed it every 2 hours on powdered baby milk. After about 3 weeks add a bit of rusk to the mix to give it something more solid.

How often do you feed kittens?

Kittens, young ones in particular, have tiny stomachs, so the best way to feed them is "little and often". For young kittens, five or six small meals a day is ideal. As the kitten gets bigger you can start to feed it more food in each meal, and slowly reduce the number of meals. Many feed older kittens (ones that are around six to eight months old) three or four meals, as this is when growth spurts become more apparent and a kitten will need much more food at these times. It is best to feed it at set times, mainly because it is easier to monitor how much the kitten is eating, and if for some reason the kitten's appetite changes, it can be quickly dealt with.

How much milk should you feed a 2 week old kitten?

Cats should not be given cows milk. It can give them diarrhea. There is canned milk in the pet section of many stores that can be given to a kitten. It should say on the can how much to give them.

How often to feed a 5 week old kitten?

Twice a day.

How much should I feed my kitten or cat?

11 ouces per day?

how much do I need to feed a cat or kitten?

Do not be too sensitive, feed him three times a day and after a week you will get the average meal

If you feed a 2 day old kitten will it affect it from nursing on the mom?

no,but really a kitten should start eating from cat food is when the mother