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no it is better to feed it baby mice.Because without any bones to eat it will those calcium.

A mouse has all the right nutrients for your baby Corn.

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Q: Can you feed your baby corn snake breast of chicken?
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Is a corn snake and a chicken snake the same?

Not necessarily. The term chicken snake can refer to several species of snake. The corn snake is one of them.

Can a baby corn snake go in a tank with an adult corn snake?

yes a hatchling corn snake can go in a vivarium with an adult corn snake but only if the adult corn is very tame and feed well and there needs to be lots of hiding places for the hatchling corn snake to hide about 5 hides

Has Ashley Tisdale held a Corn Snake?

Yes it bit her breast nipple

Why is your new corn snake scared when you go up to its vivarium?

baby corn snake are timid it is their nature and it is a good sign as long as they are babies. if you have an adult corn snake you should not have this problem.

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When you get a baby Corn Snake how do you make it like you?

you cant make a snake like you.But if you handle it often and give it very good care it will learn to like you,but it has to gain your trust first.good luck with your corn snake!

How much inches is a baby snake?

Newly-hatched corn snakes are approximately 6 inches (15cm).

Can you keep a male and female adult corn snake in the same tank?

if you would like baby corn snakes then yes

Can a baby corn snake eat a fiddleback spider?

No - spiders are not part of their natural diet !

What is the danger of a chicken snake being in a chicken house?

There is really no single species of "chicken snake" There are however several snakes that will eat eggs and chickens when available. Eastern Rat Snake Northern Pine Snake Corn Snake Black Rat Snake Grey Rat Snake These species grow large enough to steal eggs from a nest and take a hen when the opportunity arises. All these are constrictor type reptiles.

What are some good corn snake names He is a reverse okata corn snake.?

Female: Lily, Baby, and Eve Male: Oak, Slither, Chase, Cornflake, Monster, and Spots Hope this helps!!

What is mcchicken pattys made out of?

Chicken breast meat, vegetable oil, wheat flour, corn meal, spices.