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Yes you most definitely will gain weight if you eat protein and not exercise. If you're working out to gain muscle, this tears your muscle fibers and the protein is used to repair the fibers. If you don't work out, the protein is going nowhere except your hips.

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Protein or weight gain shakes.

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Q: Can you gain muscle mass and weight without working out?
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Can you gain muscle mass with weight training without gaining weight?

No that is impossible. You cannot gain muscle mass without ever gaining weight.

How you will gain the weight?

You can by taking protein powder which creates fat that quickly turns into muscle, which creates more weight. Working out in general will help you gain weight as you are building muscle.

How do you gain weight without it going to your butt?

lift weights and gain muscle

Why do you gain weight when you eat very little?

you don't gain weight when you eat very little. you need to exercise and eat little portions of your meal and you will not gain weight, you will gain muscle by working out but not the weight.

How could you gain muscle without using steriods?

Weight training.

How do you gain weight without fat?

weight lifting. remember muscle weighs more than fat.

Can you Gain muscle with out working out?


How do you gain weight to get muscle?

You don't gain weight in order to get muscle. You overload your muscles with heavy weight training, and then eat more to fuel the muscle growth.

Does your weight increase with muscle gain?

When you order a steak, is it weightless? No. Of course your weight goes up when you gain muscle.

Is it possible to gain weight with a weight loss supplement while still burning body fat?

Yes, you can gain Muscle from working out while on weight loss supplements. There is also something called "creotine" that increases water mass in the body that can eventually be turned to muscle.

Will you gain muscle weight if you grow taller playing basketball?

Answer: Your frame size will become larger so you will gain weight, but not from muscle mass. You can gain muscle mass from exercise.

Can you loose full body weight when only working on your arms?

workout is to gain muscle and cardio is to loose weight.When gaining muscle u will gain some fat.When loosing weight u will loose some muscle.While loosing weight , dont stop lifting weight ,keep supplying protein.So that u can minimize muscle loss.