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workout is to gain muscle and cardio is to loose weight.When gaining muscle u will gain some fat.When loosing weight u will loose some muscle.While loosing weight , dont stop lifting weight ,keep supplying protein.So that u can minimize muscle loss.

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Q: Can you loose full body weight when only working on your arms?
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Is weight lifting good for the body?

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when you gain weight your adding fat on your body when you loose weight its going away and making your body sweat which meas your loosing weight

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Get enough practice is OK.

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Eating healthier and working out guarentees a better body and weight loss. Eating disorders are fast ways to loose weight, but the weight will come back really fast (since you lost it really fast) and messing with your body like that comes will all sorts of health problems that could lead to death. Eating healthy and working out is helping your body to stay healthy and not get all these bad health problems.

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most people would loose weight because instead of eating before bed and not working of the calories it would lead to weight gain (ex. sugar turns to fat if not burned off) so not eating after 6 would help you loose weight in that sense, but it all depends on the persons body type or your lifestyle.

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This sounds simple and it really is. Eat less food than your body burns. You will loose weight.

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