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Yes...and No.

If you eat certain foods (like veggies) you can lower your risk of cancer. If you only eat juckfood, then your immune system will not be as healthy as it could be, raising your chances of getting cancer.

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Q: Can you get cancer from eating certain foods?
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yes their are certain food that cause cancer i have a full video on this topic, you can click the link below to learn more and how to stop or cut down the eat of certain foods. @Loyalty_101

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You eat for your blood type be eating certain foods that respond the best with your metabolism and digestive system. Certain blood types digest certain foods differently.

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It is possible that some foods can help promote cancer. Food that are processed are known to have cancer causing agents. Certain other foods carry carcinogens.

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Certain types of foods and diets can be bad for cancer patients. Those with cancer are advised to stay away from processed foods and foods that have been stripped of their natural nutrients.

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There are many things you can do to try to prevent cancer. Eating the best foods, healthy foods, exercising and taking vitamins are just a few ways you can do this.

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