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Q: Can you get dentures if you have periodontitis?
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What does localized juvenile periodontitis affect?

Primarily, localized juvenile periodontitis affects the molars and incisors

Can brushing help periodontitis?

Normal dental hygiene, brushing and flossing, cannot reach deep enough to be effective in treating periodontitis

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the cost of dentures COST OF DENTURES

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localised periodontitis

What are the name of AA bacteria in the periodontitis?

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

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Who does dentures in Denton, TX?

Dentures and Dental Services on University Drive in Denton specializes in dentures for replacement teeth. Another practice that specializes in dentures in Denton is NLP Dentures and Partials. However, most dentists will be able to fit you with the right dentures.

How many kinds of periodontal disease are there?

Several distinct forms of periodontal disease are known. These are gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, adult periodontitis, and localized juvenile periodontitis