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Can I still receive a California License to practice as a Marriage, Family and Child Therapy if I have a DUI in my past. I received the DUI in 1992.

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Q: Can you get mft license with a DUI?
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Can you get an MFT license during a PsyD program?

Yes you can, however, the MFT license is administered by the Board of Behavioral Science in California and the psychology license by the board of pychology. You have to complete 3,000 hours for an MFT license and the same for a psychology license but you can do one and count it for both. You have to do two internships which deters most people. Other states may be different.

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Driving on a suspended license when your license was suspended due to a DUI.

Drivers licenses revoked for first DUI?

A first DUI will result in a license suspension of

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If you got your license taken away in California because of a DUI can you get a license in Florida?

No. States share information regarding driver's licenses. You need to address your DUI before you can get your license back.

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If you have a DUI in California can you get a license in Arkansas?

If you have DUI charges in California I would suggest you work through it whether you have moved to a different state or not. If you need more help regarding your DUI charges in CA, you can contact at Barhoma Law P.C.

Can you pilot an airplane with a suspended drivers license?

If the drivers license was suspended for a DUI or DWI no.

If you get a DUI in Arkansas but have a California drivers license with 3 previous DUI's what will happen?

I would try

Can a person with 3 DUI drive a 50 cc scooter in Va?

If your license is supsended or revoked for DUI, the answer is no.