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You will get sick if you eat turkey raw; cooking kills the bacteria.

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Q: Can you get sick if you eat turkey that is uncooked?
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Can you eat mustard greens uncooked?

Yes. it even tastes good and good when sick.

Should you eat recipes with raw eggs in them?

yes but they will make you very sick uncooked

How many calories in raw turkey?

Please don't eat raw turkey. You can get very, very sick.

Can you refreeze a defrosted uncooked turkey breast?

You cannot refreeze an uncooked turkey breast once it is defrosted. You can freeze the turkey once it is cooked for 2-6 months.

Why does uncooked chicken result in food poisoning?

Germ cells that can make you sick attack the dead chicken to feed them. If you mean frozen chicken its ok to eat.

Can turkey make you sick?

Turkey doesn't usually make you sick. But if you are eating turkey and you get sick it it doesn't necessarily mean the turkey made you sick. It could be the ingredients and contents inside the turkey.

Is unrefrigerated uncooked turkey safe for dogs?

A dog can eat anything dead. I have seen a dog eat a cow that had been dead for over a month. They are a canine, like a wolf.

Why cant you eat sick turkey after it has been butchered?

Because whatever made the turkey sick might still live in the flesh and make you sick. It's definitely not recommended to eat it. If you absolutely have to (like a life and death you're-gonna-starve-otherwise situation) cooking it extremely thoroughly might help.

What bacteria can make you sick by eating uncooked food?

eggs cant really make u sick!!

Can you get salmonela twice?

Yes, salmonella is not a disease or condition; it is a bacterial infection. If you eat uncooked chicken and become sick from salmonella, recover from it, but then eat salad contaminated with salmonella, you can be sick again. Cooks should never put any other foods near uncooked chicken. Cooks should also keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot to avoid this type of food posioning.

What are the health risks when eating uncooked sausage?

There are several different health risks that could come up if you eat uncooked meat. Most of the time your body will digest it but sometimes you can get sick. You may experience vomiting, food poisoning, cramps, or tape worm.

Will backyard birds eat white uncooked rice?

yes but its a bad idea because they explode if they eat rice cooked or uncooked