

Best Answer

1.)I saw your pencil above your table.

2.)The turtle and the monkey got the banana tree that is floating across the river.

3.)Tomorrow, i will be celebrating my birthday in my grandparent's house.

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Q: Can you give me a sentences about prepositional phrases?
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Give example of sentences using prepositional phrases which function as adjectives?

The book on the table is mine. The house with the red door is for sale. The girl in the blue dress won the contest. The man from New York is visiting next week.

Are prepositional phrases sentences or sentence parts?

sentence parts

Are the two kinds of prepositional phrases found in sentences adjective and adverb phrases?

Yes, prepositional phrases can function as either adjective phrases or adverb phrases in a sentence. An adjective phrase modifies a noun or pronoun, while an adverb phrase modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb.

Can sentences have a phrase and a prepositional phrase together?

Yes, sentences can include both a phrase and a prepositional phrase. A phrase is a group of words that do not contain a subject and a verb, while a prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its object. Combining these elements can add complexity and detail to a sentence.

What does proposition phrases mean?

prepositional phrase mean a group of words join together to form a sentences

Are adjective and adverb phrases found in prepositional sentences?

Yes like "He did that well while she did that badly."

What are the two broad categories of words in sentences?

The two broad categories of words in sentences are content words and function words. Content words convey meaning and include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Function words serve grammatical purposes and include articles, conjunctions, prepositions, and pronouns.

Give at least 10 prepositional phrases?

In the garden Under the table On top of the mountain Near the river Behind the building Across the street Between the trees Inside the house Along the path Across the river

What is the position of a preposition in a sentence?

Prepositions and their phrases may be found just about anywhere in a sentence. For instance, your question contains two prepositional phrases:"What is the position of a preposition in a sentence?"In this case, "of" and "in" were both prepositions followed by nouns to create prepositional phrases. These phrases may be found at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. When a prepositional phrase is at the beginning of a sentence, it is usually followed by a comma. There is an example of this from three sentences ago. ("In this case, 'of' and 'in' were both...")

Can you give an examples of phrases which are considered as sentences?

Sure! "She went to the store." "The cat is sleeping." "I like to read."

What would the phrases in him though him or by him be considered?

prepositional phrases

If and is between two prepositional phrases is it just one prepositional phrase?

we just learned about prepositional phrases this semester no, it would be 2 separate phrases hope dat i helped lol bye!