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A bully is a mosquito. It picks its target and chooses one to "feed" off of.

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Q: Can you give me asentence with a metaphor using bully or bullying?
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How is bullying?

Swearing in and of itself is not bullying. However, swearing is often a part of bullying. A bully may use disrespectful words that are aimed at their race, gender, or sexual orientation. If you know a word or name bothers someone and you keep using it, then that is certainly a part of bullying.

How swearing is bullying?

Swearing in and of itself is not bullying. However, swearing is often a part of bullying. A bully may use disrespectful words that are aimed at their race, gender, or sexual orientation. If you know a word or name bothers someone and you keep using it, then that is certainly a part of bullying.

What do the police stop Cyber Bullying?

Only the police know...but they can, however, track down the bully using special software and using their computer knowledge. They can then find the bully and speak to them, and have them put in record. There are many other ways...but I am unsure.

What is physical and verbal bullying?

One of the three types of bullying is physical bullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, biting, poking and choking. It also includes destroying personal belongings. One way to avoid physical bullying is to stay in a large group of friends. Or, If you are in school, try taking a different route to your classes than the bully. Anyone bullying you using physical contact. Whether it be hitting, pushing or using a weapon against you.

Why you not bully at school?

The main reason not to bully is because it hurts other people. However, a common reason given is to not get in trouble. Bullying also makes the school look bad in the public eye, and bullying can create an unsafe environment. If someone is bullied long enough, they may resort to using weapons.

How do you wrte aSentence using detestable?

Stalin was one detestable leader.

What does cyber-bulling mean?

Cyber-Bullying is when someone/people bully someone/people by using the internet, texting, calling, or any thing that you can communicate through.

What are all of the racist terms for a Mexican?

WikiAnswers does not condone bullying. Using ugly slang terms for someone from another country or of another way of life is bullying. WikiAnswers will not give you slang terms to bully someone, nor do we condone racism.

How do you use grateful in asentence?

There can be many sentences using grateful. One such is, I am grateful to have a friend like you.

How does cyber bullying effect a person?

well yes obviously because like there is a person at the end of the technological that you are using to bully that other person and it is doubt to effect them and make them really unhappy and more

When a writer compares two elements using is, she is using a?

metaphor {apex}

Can you give me a sentence using the word bullying?

He is always picking on her. He likes bullying people.