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The choice is completely up to you if you want to, although some amusement parks and resorts employees will not allow you to go on the slide, another thing to consider is are you willing to risk your health and the well being of your child for a ride? If the answer is yes have fun!!! If not just wait till you have your beautiful baby and then go have fun!!!

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18y ago
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15y ago

I, personally, would not have gone to a water slide park when I was pregnant, especially if I was more than a couple months along. But, to be on the safe side, you could ask your ob-gyn and get his advice.

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12y ago

Yes - things like swimming are great exercise when pregnant, as long as the water isn't polluted

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Q: Can you go on a water slide while pregnant?
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youd go faster, but the slide would get sticky after a while and would give someone a wedgie or pull their pants down!

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no No; go see a doctor ASAP if you have bleeding while pregnant.

Can you go to a water slide with period?

yes... use a tampon

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The places are Cruise ships and water parks

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soap makes the slide generally go faster but if you are afraid of it getting in eyes and whatnot than water from the hose

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