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Sadly, no. Oscars need at least 55 gallons, but some say that an oscar needs a 75 gallon minimum. Oscars grow up to 12 inches in length, so you can understand how the measurements of your tank would be too small. Also, a goldfish needs a 55 gallon minimum. The cichlids will be aggressive, and unless your fish are about the same size as your oscar, you are going to be having a lot of fights. Also, the oscars and gold fish produce tons of waste and may kill the other fish with the extra ammonia in the water.

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Q: Can you grow an Oscar with a huge goldfish with a blood parrot fish and 3 checkered cichlids in a 24 inch by 12 inch tank?
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What are good kinds a fish that can go with parrot cichlids?

Anything carnivorous and big enough will eat them. Think Oscar.

How can i get my African cichlids to stop fighting i have 4 African cichlids and a albino tiger Oscar and the Oscar is the one being hurt?

You should NEVER try to mix African Cichlids with Amazonian Cichlids. It simply can not work. If your tank is set up properly for Africans your water conditions will be slowly killing the Oscar. Please for the Oscars sake get it out of there and in future do some homework/research before mixing species together.

Can you grow together a goldfish plus an Oscar and a ghost knife fish?


What are Oscar tankmates?

It all depends on the Oscar. You've got about a 50% chance of Jack dempseys working, sometimes Convict cichlids will work. But still, my Oscar is happy by himself. I've heard of plecos and other large catfish. NOTHING THAT WILL FIT IN THE OSCAR'S MOUTH, AS IT WILL BE EATEN.

What is an Oscar you know it has something to do with goldfish but what is it?

Answer:An Oscar is a type of Cichlid- not a goldfish- many people enjoy having Oscars as pets and some people say they are just as friendly and make just as good a family pet as a dog or cat. Oscars are very aggressive and many people enjoy watching them eat live feeder goldfish- however goldfish do not contain the necessary nutrients needed to keep the Oscar happy and healthy.

Can fire mouth cichlids and Oscar fish breed?

No the Oscar fish gets to be 18 inches long and the fire mouth get to be 8 to10 inches that would be like breeding a china and a st. Beard

What do Oscar fish eat?

feeder goldfish you can also use minnows but feeder goldfish are better because they are bigger they are about 30 cents each

Why are Goldfish picking at your Oscar?

You have no idea? well maybe you should change the filter or get a life

Can you put other cichlids with Oscars in a fish tank?

Well....yes, you can. But I wouldn't expect to find your other fish in the morning. Your oscar will likely eat them.

Can you put an goldfish and an Oscar fish together?

yes mine has ate goldfish almost his whole life now hes up to 20 every two weeks he also eats fish food but if he doesnt get goldfish he will not eat fish food until he gets his goldfish and the books say its ok

Can you breed Oscars with Cichlids?

i breeded them once An Oscar IS a cichlid...please be more specific.

Can an Oscar eat Tetra flakes?

Yes, all the flaked food is the same except goldfish flakes.