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Snails can be an acceptable tank mate for bettas, but remember that some snails produce a lot of waste and the tank may need to be cleaned more than usual to prevent an Ammonia reading. A common type of snail that is acceptable to keep with bettas is an Apple Snail. Another thing to keep in mind with snails is that some bettas may nip at them and try to eat them. If this becomes a problem, you will want to consider removing the snail from the tank. Keep an eye on how many snails you have because if a betta eats too many snails it could lead to constipation and other digestive illnesses.

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it depends on your betas personality. my brothers are just fine but my beta ate the eyes of the snail that i put in with it

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Yes, also the snail will help keep the algae down.

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Q: Can you have a betta with a snail?
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What is the best snail that can live with a betta?

the snail the is best for your fish tank is the slowest snail that you can find in the store...the best snail i have had is the cuadrocnam snail so when you go to the store you say "I want is Cuadrocnam snail please!"

Can betta fish eat snails?

I have a male red Beta and a snail in the same bowl. I've never seen even him try to get at the snail.

We had a betta fish with a snail and the betta died We are going to leave for vacation and didn't know if a snail can live in a fish tank without a fish for a week or two?

Snail do not need company so the death of the fish will not affect it in any way other than to leave more oxygen available for the snail. It will be perfectly OK for several weeks provided the water does not go bad.

What are some other fish that are similar in size and size in tank and amount of care to that of a betta fish?

i dont know a single fish in a Betta bowl but i do know what u can put in their and have less cleaning. I have 2 zebra fish and a snail in a little large bowl but i dont have a lot of work because the snail cleans the bottom of the tank. or 2 guppies and a snail :P

Are there any other fish that can be kept in the same size and type of tank as a betta fish?

yes a lot of smaller fish can. like 2 zebra fish and a snail. or 2 guppies and a snail.

Can snails go in the same tank as betta fighting fish?

Females are non-agressive and will most often leave the snail alone. If you have a male, he most likely will. It also depends on the size of the snail, the larger the snail the less likely it will be harmed, but a larger snail in turn can injury a betta if it snaps shut on the bettas head. For the most part snails and bettas don't mix well.

What fish don't fight with Siamese fighting fish?

No fish will really fight a Betta,unless its another Betta(male,not female,males and females get along pretty well),so i would suggest getting a Gold Mystery Snail if you dont want your Betta fighting with your fish.

What is a good fish for my fish bowl?

Betta fish don't even think about goldfish they need 10 gallons each. If your bowl is bigger than 1 gallon a betta will do fine. Below 1 gallon get a ghost shrimp or snail

Can betta fish go with apple snails?

Sure. Some bettas may bite the snail's antennae, but most bettas will just think of it as a wandering rock.

Can you put an apple snail in a betta fish tank?

Don't even think about it. They hate each other and will attack and kill the other one. Only do it if you have a divider.

I added danios yesterday and now the betta has been sitting on one corner doing nothing which is not his usual self. Can a betta a snail and two danios live in a 6.6 gallon tank?

There are a few major problems with this setup. :( 1. Danios need to live in a school; usually with at least six to eight fish, which your aquarium is not big enough to house. 2. It isn't a good idea to put a betta with danios, who tend to get aggressive. Since bettas move slowly, the danios might nip at his tail, and the betta won't be able to excape them. Danios are very darty and fast, and their constant movement may be stressful for your betta. In my experience, neon tetras work great with a betta, since they don't move very fast and aren't tail-nipping fish. For that you will need at least 10 gallons. The snail shouldn't be a problem, though. So if I were you I would get another aquarium. Consider a three gallon tank. Put your betta into that and leave the danios with the snail. Make sure to add some more danios to the group. Good luck, hope this helped.

Do betta fish eat snalis?

They will eat small ones. If you really want to get rid of the pesky things, the best snail eaters I know are Clown Loaches (Botia macracantha) and a group of four or five should have your aquarium snail free within a few weeks.