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I suppose you could if you could find a Doctor Who would do it. If you are asking, "Will a tubal ligation get rid of the baby?", then, no. The baby is forming below the Fallopian tubes.

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Q: Can you have a laparoscopic tubal ligation if you are pregnant and dont want the baby?
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Usually im right on time. I am 7days late and have had a tubal ligation could I be pregnant?

I had a baby 5 months ago and a tubal ligation, I had spotting after my pregnancy and that's it so far. No period! Yet....... and im not prego

Is reverse tubal ligation a guarntee way to have a baby?

There is no guarantee that either tubal ligation reversal or the alternative treatment of IVF will work.

Have any ever gave birth to a child with their tubes being tide?

Yes, it's possible to get pregnant and deliver a baby after tubal ligation.

You are already tubal ligation but you want to have one more baby if possible for you to get pregnant again what you need to do?

you could either have a tubal reversal or try ivf. a tubal reversal would be cheaper, but you would have to use protection or get your tubes tied again.

What happens if pregnancy occurs after a tubal ligation?

Nothing really your just pregnant and buy the grace of god you will have a healthy baby because this happen to me and I had endometriosis hope this helps!!

With a tubal ligation can you have a period and be pregnant?

when you get your tubes tiedyes and no when you get your tubes tied you can still have your priod but no you can no get pregant.yes you can become pregnant after your tubes are tied, burned, etc. It is very rare but possible.

You had a tubal 3 years ago you now have a positive pregnancy test What are chances for a normal pregnancy?

The tubal ligation you had in the past, would only interfere with conception not a current pregnancy. Since you already are pregnant, the previous ligation should not cause any problem to your developing baby.Since a baby implants in the uterus and not the tube, the ligation is a non-issue with a developing fetus.

Can you have your eggs frozen after tubal ligation to have a baby later?

no,you still have to go thru tubal reversal proceedure so that everytime you ovulate and release an egg.

How will it take to get pregnant after a tubal pregnancy?

No, in a tubal ligation, the doctor puts a tiny clip on each fallopian tube. This procedure essentially blocks the path of the egg to the uterus. The inside of a fallopian tube is small, literally just a few hair's widths in diameter, to begin with so the likelyhood that a woman would get pregnant "easily" after a tubal ligation is slim, although not impossible.

Is it safe to get pregnant after tubal ligation?

After a tubal ligation the egg usually can't be fertilized since the tubes where either cut, clamped, or burnt shut. However the procedure can be reduced and normal child bearing resumes. Also however there is a slim chance for the tubal ligation to not work completely and the egg become fertilized in the fallopian tubes which is not the most ideal place, the egg can be moved to uterus but there are several risks involved in that usually result in a miscarriage.

Can i reverse tublication to get pregaant again?

Pregnant After Tubes Burned?Unlikely. A recent study (the Collaborative Review of Sterilization, or CREST, study) looked at 10,000 women who had undergone tubal ligation and found 143 failures (a failure rate of 1.4 percent). It can be higher when a tubal is done at the time of a C-section. The failure rate also tends to increase the longer it has been since one had a tubal ligation. The U.S. Collaborative Review of Sterilization (CREST) found the failure rate for tubal ligation (all occlusion methods) to be 1.85% after 10 years.Here are other answers and opinions from Wiki s contributors:Yes, anything is possible. I personally knew someone who concieved a healthy child after she was tied and burned.Yes, it is possible to get pregnant after having your tubes burned. I had my tubes tied in 2000. I had a modified Pomeroy procedure done (with cauterization). I now have a healthy, happy 5-month-old baby boy five years after having my tubal ligation! If you think you might be pregnant after a tubal ligation, see your doctor immediately. Women who conceive after having a tubal ligation have a greater chance of an ecoptic pregnancy, which can be a life treatening condition.Yes, you can get pregnant. My mother had her tubes tied and burned when I was born in 1983, I now have a happy, bubbly 5-year-old brother!It is not common, but still is very possible. Even after a vasectomy some women (that do not cheat) will still become pregnant. This is how doctors get sued.

How can't you get pregnant if my tubes are clipped and burned what can't i do to get pregnant?

A tubal ligation is supposed to be a permanent solution. You can try a test tube baby where the fertilized egg is put inside the uterus by a doctor. Or you can try for a reversal. The risk for ectopic pregnancies is very big though.