

Can you have email with no Internet?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

Best Answer

8/15 update

The most common and simple answer is... No. But you can apply and access email for free online via public computer, like at the library, or a Wifi hot spot, like McDonalds or Starbucks or wherever you posted this question from. But you really should have internet access at home to freely access your email securely. connection speed doesn't matter for just email. Buy the cheapest plan you can find.

Edit : E-mail is not a form of the internet. E-mail is a form of electronic communications. In order to have e-mail, in theory, all you need is a modem and a service provider to connect to. Juno used to offer such services; with these you could connect to Juno (not the internet) via your modem and they would handle the rest. However, it seems that as time has passed and more and more people have found the internet, such services have been removed.

So to answer your question:

Yes you can, but you would have to find a service provider for the e-mail and you would have to have a modem connected to phone service to make the call. Your best bet if you have this, however, is to find one of the few remaining free internet providers. Most of these have time limitations, but for e-mail, this would be great. To even further reduce your usage, you could use software like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. With these, you could connect, receive e-mails, disconnect, write the mails, connect, and finally send the mails. This saving you the usage time while writing responses.

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