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it depends. how long afterwards and did you have sex. if you didnt have sex then no

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Q: Can you have your period and then have cramping afterwards and be pregnant?
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Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

If you have a period and are extremely emotional afterwards can you still be pregnant?

You could have gotten pregnant on your period

Im cramping after period can i be pregnant?

if u just had ur period ur prolly not pregnant, altho some ppl do bleed while pregnant.

Im having slight period pains can you still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant, i had mild period like cramping when i fell pregnant with my 3 kids.

Can you have vaginal bleeding and cramping like a monthly period and still be pregnant?


Your period is 3 days late and you have been slightly cramping for about a week Could you be pregnant?

when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?

Does it mean you are pregnant if you are having stomach cramps?

It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.

Can you be pregnant and the only symptom you have is pregnancy cramping?

Just wait until you miss a period

Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

If your period is late but you are cramping could you be pregnant?

Periods can be late because of stress,diet, age and maybe irregular periods. Go take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant the cramping could be a sign that your coming on your period from pink princess

What the color of a period when you are pregnant?

Women who are pregnant do not get periods. If you are pregnant and you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping you should contact your Dr right away or go to the ER.

Can cramping and headaches be signs of being pregnant?

Yes. But they can also be signs that your period is arriving soon