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It does depend what your horse and/or alpaca can put up with and what their temperament is like but you can. Alpacas can get along with any livestock.

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Q: Can you home alpacas and horses in the same field?
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How do alpacas move?

Alpacas move in the same way horses or cattle move. Four legs. They walk, sort of trot, and then sort of canter. They don't crawl or run. They have even paces.

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Really, alpacas don't have a main food source. They eat chaff, nuts, grass, hay, bread, carrots, apples, lettuce, etc. Much the same as horses.

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Of course! You can keep a horse and a goat in the same field. It is common to use a goat as a companion animal for horses as long as the goat does not have horns.

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Can you ride alpacas like horses?

No, Alpacas are not capable of being ridden the same way as you would ride a horse. An Alpaca should only carry 1/4 to 1/3 of their body weight, a mature male Alpaca can reach a weight of 300 to 450 pounds and can carry 75 to 115 pounds, but they are not suitable for riding, they are used to pull carts and to pack goods.

How does an alpaca walk?

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