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No, you should never keep a male and female betta fish together for long time periods. They should only be put in the same tank for breeding purposes and then separated after.

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Q: Can you keep a male betta with a female betta for a long period of time with other fish?
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Related questions

Will a female betta fish kill other female betta fish?

Np, but they will bite. Yes, they will fight to the death.

Can a male betta fish be living in the same fish tank with a female betta fish?

No. Betta fish will attack each other no matter the sex.

Can betta fish live with other betta fish for a long period of time?

Only female Bettas can be kept together. That too will only work if they are given reasonably roomy conditions and plenty of cover (plants) and hidey holes. Male betta fish can/ will fight to death if there is another male fish in the tank, a male will sometimes eat a female so your best bet is to have a single betta or a female and a female.

Can you breed any other fish with a female betta fish?

The simple answer is no.

Are female betta fish better than male betta fish?

Female beta fish are better in this way, they don't fight, allowing you to put them in a tank with each other as well other fish!

Will a male betta fish kill a female?

yes betta fish have to live alone or one will kill the other.

What fish are compatible with male bettas?

Betta's are pretty good with other fish, it's rare that they will fight, maybe with other betta's

Do female betta fish like each other?

No, unless their lesbian.

Plakat betta fish mate with a short tail female betta?

no because male betta's are really aggressive to other betta's which plakats are male's. but female betta's can stay with other females. don't try to, one of your betta's are going to end up dead.

Do girl Betta fish need boy Betta fish to live?

No, they can live alone or with other female bettas. They might bite each other but won't kill.

Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

Will your male betta fish eat your other fish or bite it?

a male Betta will usually like the company of other fish but will fight or kill others of their kind also they might fight guppies cause they look similar to a female Betta.