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There are no problems about it. remember that you have to have at least 20 gallon tank, because your gourami and shrimp will need to have space.

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No, a blood parrot fish is a very aggressive fish. The dwarf gourami is a community fish. The parrot fish will attack the gourami and chance it can get. Keep them in separate tanks.

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Q: Can you keep dwarf gourami with ghost shrimp?
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Can i keep a lace gourami together with a flame and a dwarf gourami?

as long as the tank is big enough and there is enough visual barriers in the tank, it would be fine to keep thoughs species together.

What are honey dwarf gourami's best tank mates?

Only fish in the same class gourami, and try to keep the fish around the same size as the fish you have.

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ghost shrimp,

What does it mean if your ghost shrimp keeps jumping out of the tank?

If your ghost fish keeps jumping out of thee tank, it might be because it is in a tank with territorial fish that does not want it in the tank and keep forcing it out. It does not feel comfortable there so it jumps out.

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Keep them in the refrigerator but not in water, just in a sealed container.

Can you keep 1 blue gourami 3 dojo loaches 2 angelfish 7 rummy nose tetra and a Cory in a 50 or 55 gallon?

That should be fine, but keep an eye on how the angels behave towards the gourami once they get bigger as they may bully it once they are full grown.

I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank and want to get 6 glowlight tetra a dwarf gourami and a corydora Would they live peacefully?

That's a very nice setup! :) corydoras and most tetras keep to themselves and i personally think a gourami would be a great centerpiece in a tank. But corys live in schools, so you should buy at least five. And since corys breed a lot, you should buy every few specimens from different stores.

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No, but some tank mates you can consider if your betta is in a 10 gallon tank are neon tetras, rasboras, white cloud minnows, or even some ghost shrimp.

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the dwarf multicannon stays where it stands

Can you keep a gourami in fish bowl?

Well depending on what kind of bowl yes. I would recommend one bigger than 3 gallons though since gouramis need lots of water. A more reasonable choice though would be to buy a dwarf gourami. These are much smaller and easier to take care of. I'd recommend it only if you are in a very warm climate, otherwise they'll need a heater. A five gallon with a heater would be my minimum recommendation, and then only one fish in it, too.

Can you keep a fresh water shrimp with guppies?

The guppies may well rip the legs off the shrimp.

Can you have a normal hamster and a dwarf in the same cage?

You shouldn't keep a dwarf in a cage.