

Best Answer

no sorry u have 2 use flour to make a cookie

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Q: Can you make cookies with eggs chocolate cinnamon and almonds without using any powder or flour?
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Can you make chocolate chip cookies with out chocolate chips?

yes but it wouldn't be very nice...More information:The answer to the question is "no." Without the chocolate chips, the cookies would not longer be "chocolate chip cookies." They would be plain brown sugar cookies.

How do you make chocolate chip cookies without an oven?

you don't

Who invented eggless chocolate chip cookies?

No body invented chocolate chip cookies they were just the first person to try and make egg less chocolate chip cookies.

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How do you make chocolate chip cookies without eggs?

How can you cut out bar cookies with a chocolate top without breaking the chocolate to pieces?

Use a sharp knife and run it under hot water before you cut or if the cookies are out of the pan use a serrated or bread knife and saw with it.

Can you make chocolate chip cookies without baking soda?

actually there aren't any recipes for chocolate chip cookies without baking soda. it isn't impossible u use self-raising flower instead of using baking powder

How do you make cookies attractive?

Properly baked cookies are attractive without additional embellishment. But a sprinkling of powdered or colored sugar can add to their appeal. A simple curly line of frosting in a contrasting color - white on chocolate, pink or chocolate on light cookies - is also dependably attractive.

How do you make cookies wihout vanallia?

You can make cookies without vanilla by adding another sort of flavoring. Almond or lemon extract would be good substitutes, or you could add spices such as cinnamon and ginger.

Can I follow the Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe without using a tablespoon of vanilla?

You could if you wanted, but keep in mind that the cookies won't taste the same at all. The vanilla adds a hint to it that other things cant really add, and you can replace it, unless you have vanilla cream or something. Of course, you could try a bit of caramel or cinnamon; sometimes that helps. So, try it!!

What sells at a bake sale that does not melt in heat?

loaves are good, anything without icing or chocolate, muffins, cookies, pies.

How does omitting sugar affect the taste of chocolate chip cookies?

It changes the taste and texture of the cookie. Without Sugar the cookie is not sweet.