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Q: Can you married a man in Ghana Africa without being there?
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Can someone marry in Ghana without being there?

Ghana honors traditional initiation rites and ceremonies for a couple getting married. Getting married without physically being in the wedding is not known to happen.

Where is the African Ashanti tribe located?

The Ashanti tribe is primarily located in Ghana in West Africa, with the Ashanti region being the traditional homeland of the Ashanti people. They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Ghana and have a rich history of culture and tradition.

What statment about the value of salt to the western kingdoms of Africa is Not true?

salt kept ghana from being a trade center

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Which continent has the most gold?

Africa has the largest gold reserves, with South Africa being one of the world's top gold-producing countries. Other notable gold-producing countries in Africa include Ghana, Mali, and Tanzania.

What does get a girl into trouble mean?

to get her pregnant without being married

What president fathered a baby without being married?

thomas Jefferson

Is that any bank of Africa global trust Ltd in Accra Ghana?

No there is not! There appears to be a company who purp but orts to being a security company called Global Trust & Finance. It is not possible to confirm thier status, They are not a bank as they do not appear my list of legit banks in Ghana.

Where is Ashanti located in Africa?

Ashanti is located in present-day Ghana, which is situated in West Africa. Ashanti is a region known for its rich cultural heritage, traditional architecture, and historical significance, particularly for being the home of the Ashanti Kingdom.

What does faunicate mean?

Its spelled "Fornicate" and it means to have sex without being married

Can a 17 year get married in Texas without parental consent if they are enrolled in school?

No. The only way to get married without parental consent is by being emancipated and going to school does not do that.

If my boyfriend is 18 and I'm 17 we're both Lutheran can we get religiously married without being legally married?

What's the rush?