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Yes you can prevent glacial erosion. In an experiment in Italy, they put a white sheet of fleece the size of football fields over the glaciers. The glacier under the fleece blanket is melting much more slowly than the ice that is not covered by it.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

No, glacial erosion is a natural process driven by the movement of glaciers. It cannot be prevented, but its effects can be managed through land-use planning and conservation strategies.

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How does glacial erosion affects the shape of the land?

Glacial erosion can carve out deep valleys, create U-shaped valleys, and leave behind moraines and drumlins. The movement of glaciers erodes rock and soil, shaping the land through processes such as abrasion and plucking. As glaciers flow over the landscape, they can significantly alter the topography by creating features like cirques and fjords.

Can you see the formation of glacial trough?

Yes, glacial troughs are U-shaped valleys that form through the erosion of moving glaciers. They have steep, straight sides and a flat bottom that was carved out by the glacier over time. The presence of a glacial trough indicates past glaciation in an area.

What is a narrow bay formed by tectonic process and later modified by glacial action?

A fjord is a narrow bay that is formed by tectonic processes like plate movements, and later modified by glacial action through erosion and deposition of sediments. Fjords are typically found in regions that have experienced both tectonic and glacial activity, such as Norway and New Zealand.

What are two typyes of glacial deposits?

Two types of glacial deposits are moraines, which are formations of mixed sediment pushed by and deposited from a glacier, and drumlins, which are elongated hills made of glacial till that form parallel to the direction of ice flow.

What features are formed by ice erosion?

Ice erosion can create features such as cirques (bowl-shaped hollows on mountainsides), arΓͺtes (sharp ridges between two cirques), and horns (sharp peaks formed by glaciers eroding multiple sides). These features are commonly found in glaciated mountainous areas.