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First of all, make sure you take care of yourself, such as getting enough rest and eat properly. If you are in a position to deligate tasks, do so, realize that you can't always do it all. If not, then communicate with your supervisors about getting help or suggestions that could help you complete your tasks or solve your problem. Also, if you are a perfectionist, realize that not everything has to be just so, learn to overlook the small stuff. Try to have fun with your work and find a good friend you work with, someone you can talk to about your stresses and who may shed a new light on solutions to them. Last of all separate work time from leisure... in other words, leave work issues at work and outside issues outside of work, otherwise you'll stress all of the time.

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Some of the situations that cause stress at work are: problems with a colleague, when a deadline approaches, rumors of dismissal, work overtime, a day with a lot of work, among others.

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