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Please don't do that ( I think they're Syrian hamsters ). They will end up fighting and may even kill each other. For your hamsters sake please don't do it.

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Q: Can you put a panda bear and short hair hamster in the same cage?
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Can you have more than one panda bear hamster in a cage?

It isn't a good idea to have two hamsters in the same cage. I had 3 hamsters and we had to have separate cages for them. I wouldn't exactly know cuz I've never had a panda bear hamster before, but i think its all the same for any kind of hamster. Hope this helped :D

Can you put a teddy bear hamster with a short haired hamster?

Teddy bear hamsters are Syrian, so don't put them in the same cage. But I have both types, boy and girl. They get along perfectly (though not in the same cage). Every hamster's personality is different. In the same cage- it may result in fighting and death. So be careful!

Can you put a short haired hamster in a cage with a long haired hamster?

Yes you can

Which Cage Is Right For A short haired hamster?

A wire cage with a plastic bottom.

Should you buy 2 teddy bear hamsters together?

In the stores they do have more than 2 in a cage. I would just be careful. I had a teddy bear hamster and added a short hair a while after and the teddy bear hamster chased the short hair around and eventually got used to them. Be careful though they may fight

Can a dwarf hamster and teddy bear hamster stay in the same cage?

YES,they can but they should be treated nicely

Where would a female teddy bear hamster hide in its cage?

Hamsters hide in their houses in their cage or under their bedding.

What is the best cage for the teddy bear hamster?

pink becuase it bings out the colour

Can you keep a robo hamster in a cage with a teddy bear hamster?

No!They'll fight to death! NEVER put 2 differnent types of hamsters in one cage NEVER!

How do you get your hamster out of the wall?

hold a sunflower seed or whatever it likes to eat, then draw the item away from the cage then put the baby hamster in a box that is warm. It their new born don't clean the cage! Me and my dad had a panda bear hamster that had babies and we moved them and the mom got mad so ran away and the babies died! BECARFL! or you could gently scup them up with a cup

How can people help save the giant panda bear from becoming extinct?

keep them in a cage

Can dwarf hamsters and teddy bear hamsters be in one cage?

no, teddy bear hamsters are very territorial and will fight the other hamster.