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only if you are a mythical rouge warlock on a magical jorney to kill the archadian dragons of po

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Q: Can you put new plywood over old shingle to put new shingles on because roof is up and down?
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When you install shingles over an old layer of shingles do you have to put down felt or do you put the new layer of shingles directly over the old layer?

With composition shingles, no felt is necessary between shingle layers. When the exposure of the shingles is the same as the old exposure, the bottom edge of the old shingles is used as a guide for the upper edge of the new shingles in placement. This ability to place the shingles would be lost if covered with felt.

Is it best to nail or staple your shingles?

you should be using a roofing nail with a larger head to hold the shingle down more securely, staples are not used anymore and are not code..

Repair roof shingles that were damaged in storm.?

You must first pull off the damaged shingle. After doing so, replace with a new shingle and secure the shingle with four nails.If a shingle is simply cracked or torn, you don't have to replace it,just repair it. Start by applying a thick bead of roofing sealant under the crack. Press the shingle down and apply a second bead of sealant on top of the crack. Then spread the sealant with a putty knife.

What will moss do to asphalt shingles?

Moss will hold water, and eventually rot the shingles. (Added) Moss puts down roots into the shingles, loosening the top granular protective layer. In addition, it will leach out the oils which give the shingle flexibility, drying and cracking them and leading to shingle loss and premature roof replacement. The additional water will freeze during the winter, lifting the shingles up, loosening the nails and allowing for shingle loss during winds, and for water penetration into the sheathing. Many a moldy attic has been traced to moss on the roof, which is why insurance companies are now starting to dictate it be removed safely (no pressure washing!) by a professional roof cleaning company.

Why do people put car tires on their roof?

To "hold down" loose shingles, metal roofing, loose boards, particle board, plywood, plastic sheeting, tarps, etc.

What is the most efficient way to remove shingles?

Start at the top and work down. You can use a flat square edge shovel or there is a tool that looks like one with teeth on the front edge and a slight curve at the front so that you can stand up and still get under the shingle. Pop the shingle and nail at the same time.

Are 3 tab shingles recoverable or non recoverable?

The answer is "it depends". First, local codes may influence your decision. Here in Florida it is possible to shingle-over three tab shingles if the local code inspectors provide a visual inspection that determines the shingles are in 'good enough' condition to form a secondary underlayment to the new roof. Basically, this logic should guide you where there are no code issues. If the old shingles are in good shape then I'd say OKAY to shingle over. Use longer roofing nails, you can use a titanium film, and nail it all down like crazy. But in reality, why would you want to shingle over vs. clean off the deck, apply peal and stick underlayment, and new shingles? Economics? I'd argue that logic will cost you money down the road after letting you just get by. If you are a homeowner and if it's your home for the long term... don't be a dummy, pull off the old shingles, tar paper and construct a new roof coating which starts with renailing the deck to trusses (or rafters), apply peal and stick underlayment, new drip edge, and quality shingles (go for 30 to 40 year products). The answer is "it depends". First, local codes may influence your decision. Here in Florida it is possible to shingle-over three tab shingles if the local code inspectors provide a visual inspection that determines the shingles are in 'good enough' condition to form a secondary underlayment to the new roof. Basically, this logic should guide you where there are no code issues. If the old shingles are in good shape then I'd say OKAY to shingle over. Use longer roofing nails, you can use a titanium film, and nail it all down like crazy. But in reality, why would you want to shingle over vs. clean off the deck, apply peal and stick underlayment, and new shingles? Economics? I'd argue that logic will cost you money down the road after letting you just get by. If you are a homeowner and if it's your home for the long term... don't be a dummy, pull off the old shingles, tar paper and construct a new roof coating which starts with renailing the deck to trusses (or rafters), apply peal and stick underlayment, new drip edge, and quality shingles (go for 30 to 40 year products). Don't go cheap... it will come back to bite you. Be sure to replace soft plywood deck material, remove old unused vents, patch with plywood, and replace the ridge vents with a modern counterpart (off ridge or more efficient ridge vent designs). My re-roof project started a month ago. I've rebuilt the fascia/soffit on one side so far, I've got a plan to rebuild the soffit/fascia on the other side with a change to the shape of it (making it straight vs notched), and then tackle the tear off of shingles/paper to rebuild the roof surface. My motivation? It's my home. If I renail, use peal and stick underlayment, and 40 year shingles I'll qualify for an insurance discount of about 40% (500 bucks a year, each year). The insurance discount will payu for half the cost of rebuilding my roof.

Who is the fastest shingle roofer?

Hands Down... Conway Arnold of Flint Michigan is THE fastest shingle roofer PERIOD

Can an infected bug bite first diagnosed cause shingles or is it not a bug bite but a single shingle and days later several blisters down your right arm and shoulder that I could feel burst?

The bug bite will not cause shingles. Shingles is a re-activation of the chickenpox virus that affects a single nerve bundle, generally on the torso. The symptoms you are describing could be shingles (particularly if you had chickenpox as a child), or it could be an infection in the lymphatic system (possibly caused by a bug bite).

Are dimesional shingles better than 3 tab?

Yes. They're thicker, which adds weight to the roof--and the heavier a roof is, the better because heavier roofs cut down on wind noise. They also have better warranties; a very good warranty on a three-tab shingle is 25 years, but the cheapest architectural shingle on the market has a 30-year warranty. With the added windload resistance and not all that much higher price, I think they're well worth it.

Can you get shingle on both sides?

yes, I have them down my leg, across my chest, on my back and on my arms.

Poop on a shingle?

yes all night longg get a ladder put it up there pull down pants and under wear and push hard into the shingle